Beta Program Kick-off MessagingA journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so why not start your program with significant kick off messaging?Beta program…Built by ActiveCampaign Customer Support
Beta Program Messaging WorkflowHow often should you check with your contacts testing out your exciting, new feature?When a contact enters the beta period, there is no…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management
Beta Program Opt-in FlowBeta programs are hard work with a lot of processes to keep track of, so why not automate the processes?Allowing an audience to try out a…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management
Beta Program Participant Qualification: Part 1Who’s the best fit for your beta program?There is a reason people run a beta period for an upcoming feature. A new experimental feature…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management
Beta Program Participant Qualification: Part 2Who’s the best fit for your beta program?There is a reason people run a beta period for an upcoming feature. A new experimental feature…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management
Beta Program: Add Trackable DatesIsn’t it great when everything runs like clockwork?Tracking the dates of your beta program in ActiveCampaign provides a number of benefits.…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management
Black Friday: Trial Upgrade FlowSomeone signs up for your trial, uses it, but life gets busy and they don’t convert. It could be for a million reasons. What do you do?Let…Built by ActiveCampaign Marketing Automation
Bonjoro video: Activate new customers by sending a personal welcome videoStruggling to get new customers truly active with your product or course?This recipe lets you send personalised welcome videos to new…Built by ActiveCampaign Sales Automation
Bonjoro video: Get more cancelled customer surveys by sending a personal videoKnowing why customers cancelled is so important to improving your offering. But what if no-one actually takes the time to give you useful…Built by ActiveCampaign Marketing Automation
Bonjoro video: Reduce demo “no-shows” by sending a personal video before the eventYou know that thing where a prospect books a demo with you, then they go AWOL on the day? This recipe puts an end to demo no-shows, by…Built by ActiveCampaign Marketing Automation
Customer Survey for Inactive UsersYou might think that an inactive user has nothing to say about your product. After all, they’re inactive. If they wanted to talk about it,…Built by ActiveCampaign Customer Support
Expired Trial Email“Your free trial has expired.“Contacts get this free trial expiration email and do 1 of 2 things:1. Become a paid customer2. Say goodbyeBut…Built by ActiveCampaign Sales Automation
Feedback Survey from Power UsersThe benefits of customer feedback are numerous. But what type of feedback is more useful to your business? — Feedback from a one-time user?…Built by ActiveCampaign Customer Support
Free Trial Email SeriesIt’s like the old saying, “you never know until you try.“A lot of contacts might need exactly what you have to offer, but without…Built by ActiveCampaign Sales Automation
Incentive Delivery When Beta FinishedWhy just say thank you when you can give a gift?Providing an incentive for contacts to sign up for your beta program can help make sure you…Built by ActiveCampaign Marketing Automation
Invite Trial User to Appointment When Needing AssistanceWouldn’t it be great to proactively offer assistance to contacts struggling with your product?With automation, you can. This provides a…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management
Multimedia Pack: Choose Your Own Multimedia Tagging for Web PersonalizationThis automation identifies the preferences of each contact submitting your multimedia preferences form and tags them based on their…Built by ActiveCampaign Sales Automation
Multimedia Pack: Individual Sales Rep Talk to Someone Request — Bonjoro Integration & CRM UpdatesThis automation supports a single-person sales team and adds new contacts to Deals and updates existing Deal record owners with new tasks…Built by ActiveCampaign Sales Automation
Multimedia Pack: Talk to Someone Sales Request — Bonjoro Integration & CRM UpdatesThis automation supports a multi-person sales team and adds new contacts to Deals and updates existing Deal record owners with new tasks to…Built by ActiveCampaign Sales Automation
Multimedia Pack: Welcome Email Post Form SubmissionThe goal of this automation is to send a personalized welcome message to contacts who have identified a specific type of multimedia…Built by ActiveCampaign Sales Automation
New User Check-List“What should I do to get started?“Chances are, you’ve heard a variation of this from new users who have started using your software. They…Built by ActiveCampaign Marketing Automation
Notify Support When Beta User Has IssuesWhile we would love for everything to go as planned, how often have you been in a situation where a small hiccup can cause a big…Built by ActiveCampaign Customer Support
Post-Beta Program WorkflowWhy’s it always so hard to say goodbye?Instead, say thank you for your time to your contacts who have participated in your beta program.…Built by ActiveCampaign Marketing Automation
Product Fit Onboarding SurveyForbes says it only takes 7 seconds for someone to decide how they feel about you. First impressions matter.The product fit onboarding…Built by ActiveCampaign Customer Support
Send A How-To Video Upon Beta AcceptanceHave you ever misunderstood instructions before?It happens all the time, so why wouldn’t it happen to some of your contacts in your beta…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management
Send Slack When Beta User Has IssuesWhile we would love for everything to go as planned, how often have you been in a situation where a small hiccup can cause a big…Built by ActiveCampaign Customer Support
Trial Expiration Survey and ReactivationDoes a contact letting a trial expire mean they’re not interested?Not necessarily. Limited-time trials are a great opportunity for contacts…Built by ActiveCampaign Project Management