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Pre-Assi­gn­ment Email Series

How do you make sure contrac­tors and team members are on the same page before an assi­gn­ment begins? Share infor­ma­tion and set expectations…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Fitness: Weekly Workout Email Series

Lots of your fitness contacts are trying to build a regular weekly workout habit, and a lot of them likely run into the same big problem –…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Deter­mine Best Sales Drip

How do you measure sales email perfor­mance? How can you figure out which sales emails work best or which sales emails are better?The…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

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Mostra 1-30 di 984 Ricette di automazione

1 Year Purchase Remin­der For Unengaged Customers

Contact comes to your store, they make a purchase, and then – nothing. This is all too common for an ecom­merce store. What’s better than a…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

1:1 Email: Impor­tant Page Visit Follow-up

When’s a good time for your sales team or you to reach out to your deals? That’s the oldest question in sales. The right time to strike…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

1:1 Email: Lead Outreach Pt. 1

How do you do lead outreach? That’s a question whose answer changes depen­ding on who you ask. Diffe­rent compa­nies all view lead outreach…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Project Management

1:1 Email: Lead Outreach Pt. 2

So your contact has been moved down the pipe­line, but besides a new stage they’re in, what happens next? Now you start to nurture the lead…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Project Management

1:1 Email: Multi­ple Page Visit Follow-up

When’s a good time for your sales team or you to reach out to your deals? That’s the oldest question in sales. A good indi­ca­tor is when the…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

1:1 Email: New Deal Welcome Email and Call

Wouldn’t it be great to check-in perso­nally with every new lead you get and set up your touch­point instan­tly? You might imme­dia­tely get a…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

1:1 Email: New Stage Message

Crea­ting a cohe­sive sales flow is one of the best ways to opti­mize your team and create a great custo­mer expe­rience for your deals. Having…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

1:1 Email: Out of Office Reply

Let’s face it, your team’s not always in your office. But questions never stop coming in from contacts. Setting the right expectation can…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Project Management

1:1 Email: Personal Re-engagement

Contacts and deals can grow cold over time. Maybe they think they’ve learned all they can about your product. their purcha­sing position has…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

1:1 Email: Reach Out When Replied To

Our new 1:1 email auto­ma­tion feature is great. It allows you to auto­mate perso­na­li­zed messa­ges coming from a connec­ted email address and…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Project Management

1:1 Email: Trial Sales Email Series

When people think of a trial email series, they tend to think of a more tradi­tio­nal marke­ting series of emails going to the user over the…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

1:1 Email: Welcome Email for New Deal

Wouldn’t it be great to check-in perso­nally with every new lead you get? You might imme­dia­tely get a heada­che thin­king about trying to keep…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation


Use this campaign to deploy a 4 days sale whene­ver you want. Just import and change details with your links and products.
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign

6‑Week Dripped Course Automation

A Dripped Course is set up so that portions of the course content are relea­sed sequen­tially over time. This is a power­ful way to present…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign

7 Day Drip Series

Do you strug­gle to follow up with every new contact that subscri­bes to your list?Nurture new leads and increase enga­ge­ment with this 7‑day…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

7 Week Drip Series

Do you run aware­ness campai­gns or have an intro­duc­tory campaign for new leads? Do it auto­ma­ti­cally with this workflow!Nurture leads in your…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

7‑wöchige Drip-Serie

Führen Sie Aware­ness-Kampa­gnen durch oder haben Sie eine Einfüh­rung­skam­pa­gne für neue Leads? Auto­ma­ti­sie­ren Sie es einfach mit diesem…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

9 Word Email – Dean Jackson Style

This is a simple imple­men­ta­tion of the famous Dean Jackson «9 Word Email» for brin­ging prospects back after they have visited a sales page.…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign

A simple Inter­com style email

I always liked the simple look of the Inter­com emails – that sort of looks to me like an Instant Message from a team member – so I decided…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

Abandon Cart Follow Up Automation

A common problem with online shop­ping carts is that 75.6% of users will never complete their order.To increase sales and revenue with your…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign

Abandon Cart Reco­very [Basic]

We all get distrac­ted online, gentle remin­ders can go a long way in your sales process! The purpose of this auto­ma­tion is to further reduce…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign

Aban­do­ned Cart Reminder

A contact is shop­ping on your ecom­merce site. They fill their cart, they go to look at their cart. And then, just like a bird who sees…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

AC MP – Abandoned Cart

This auto­ma­tion trig­gers a sequence of emails after your contacts abandon their carts. It uses a condi­tio­nal for segmen­ting contacts based…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

AC MP 7 Day Drip Nurturing

7 Day Drip Campaign to nurture your contacts. This auto­ma­tion inclu­des the follo­wing templa­tes to be used in your campai­gns. 1.- Seven…
Realizzato da ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

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La nostra API aperta consente a sviluppatori e team di connettersi facilmente alla nostra piattaforma. Scopri il programma partner per le app, consulta la documentazione o richiedi di inserire la tua integrazione sul nostro sito.

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