From Idea to Automation

ActiveCampaign’s AI building experience, developed to kick start, translate and streamline the customer journey build & design process. By automating routine tasks and workflows using AI, organizations can operate more efficiently, freeing up resources for strategic endeavors and delivering results faster.

Product Features

Your goals & objectives, translated to automation

Seamlessly translate your business goals into automated customer journeys. This AI tool understands your objectives and desired outcomes and helps convert them into actionable automations. This ensures that your automation efforts are aligned with your intended goals, resulting in more targeted and effective customer journeys.

A modal showing AI generated objective-based pompts
Woman at computer with prompt, "Ask AI to build this automation"

Fast track your
building process

Streamline and realize efficiency in your process for building automations. Leverage ActiveCampaign’s AI for automation building to rapidly create multi-faceted customer journeys. By expediting the automation building process your business can save valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your operations.

Kickstart your
automation journey

Your catalyst for getting started with automation. This tool provides a comprehensive set of AI prompted outputs to kickstart your building process. This empowers you, regardless of your level of expertise or experience, to initiate and implement effective automations quickly. The builder simplifies your initial steps, reducing barriers to entry and enabling your business to capitalize on the benefits of automation without extensive setup or technical knowledge.

For first time builders

  • Send a 4 email nurture sequence
  • Create a deal and add a few tasks over a couple days

For experienced builders

  • Add a tag, wait a day and send an email
  • If contact opens an email, send a campaign, if not add a tag
  • Send 3 SMS with a wait in between each
  • Create a deal and add 2 tasks
Modal showing a detailed SMS automation along with automated shipping information