1:1 Email: Out of Office Reply and Reply Task Creation


Let’s face it, your team’s not always in your office. But questions never stop coming in from contacts. Setting the right expectation can really help circumvent frustration. That’s what a good out of office reply does.

This automation sends an automated message back to your contact when they reply on a weekend, letting them know your team is out of the office. It also creates a task for the deal owner to respond when they’re back.

Here’s how 1:1 Email: Out of Office Reply and Reply Task Creation works:
1. The automation is triggered when a contact replies to a 1:1 email during the specified time. In our example, we set time/date conditions for when the day of the week is weekend, but feel free to adjust this.
2. The contact arrives at a 1:1 email step and is sent an automated reply letting them know the team is currently out of the office and when they should expect to hear a reply by.
3. The contact comes to an add task action, which creates a task for the deal owner to reply when they’re back in the office.

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