Multi-Regional Data Centers​

Our guide to everything you need to know about our data centers

Group 13370

Our multi-regional data centers help improve global accessibility for our diverse customer base spanning over 170 countries

This location-based approach means our customers have the invaluable advantage of data residency in a location that’s strategically aligned with their operational needs.

Our multi-region data centers provide better stability and give you more control over your data. We’re committed to safeguarding customer trust and going above and beyond industry standards. Our secure data infrastructure sets our customers up for global success with a robust and reliable digital foundation that’s designed with their regional needs and goals in mind.

Available Now
Regions where ActiveCampaign hosts Contact Data

We currently have data center locations across three major regions:

  • the United States
  • the European Union
  • the Asia Pacific Region

This article explains where Contact Data can be hosted by ActiveCampaign and how you can find where your Contact Data is hosted.

Please read and review our Multi-Regional Data Hosting Policy for a detailed description of what ActiveCampaign can and cannot host in a specific location.

Frequently Asked Questions
For more data center questions, read through our full list of frequently asked questions.
How will current customers or partners know if they are eligible for one of the new multi-regional data centers?
Customers will be assigned to their closest data center based on the account’s GEO IP address.
How will I be notified that I am migrating to a new data center?
ActiveCampaign is building out a schedule for customer migrations. We will notify you by email at least a week prior to your migration date.
What are the benefits of a multi-regional data center?

The primary benefits are:

  • Enhanced Stability and Control: By opting for regional data storage, you gain greater stability and control over your contact data. This means a smoother and more reliable experience with ActiveCampaign.
  • Simplified Data Flows: Our EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework certification ensures safe data transfers to the U.S., without needing additional protective measures like Standard Contractual Clauses, transfer risk assessments, or supplementary measures. Your compliance efforts are simplified. Learn more about the Data Privacy Framework here.
Can I pick which data center my data is stored in?
Currently, this is not an option. We will choose the closest data center that aligns with your account’s region.
 If I sign up for a trial, where will my data be hosted?
Trials will work the same as customers. We will choose the data center that aligns with your region. Once you convert to a customer post-trial, there will be no additional migration needed.
What are the implications for my data processing agreement?

Customers can still choose to sign ActiveCampaign’s Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”) via their account settings. If you have already entered into a DPA with ActiveCampaign, this will continue to govern.

Disclaimer: ActiveCampaign’s services are used by thousands of customers, in hundreds of industries all over the world, and we recognize that each customer’s legal considerations will be unique. The contents of this web page do not constitute legal advice. We are not in a position to know whether our services will meet your specific legal requirements, but we encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to understand how your organization needs to comply with any applicable laws. Only your lawyer can provide tailored legal advice to you.
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