Build more responsive customer experiences

Adapt your automated workflows based on customer data, actions from integrated apps, and your business’s targets.

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Join over 150k customers. No credit card needed. Instant setup.
Two people in a bright modern room. Superimposed above them is a list of actions in the ActiveCampaign platform, including Wait, Add a tag and Send an email.

Get full control over your automated campaigns

Starting, stopping, or adapting your automations at the right time results in a seamless customer journey. Our triggers, actions, and goals let you build frictionless experiences by powering your automation start and end points with real-time customer behavior insights.

Start an automation at any time

Campaigns are most effective when you start them at the right moment. Our automation triggers let you use your data to bring in automated nurtures when they count the most.

An email sending screen for Fancy Flowers, welcoming new newsletter subscribers.
  • List subscriptions

    Trigger an automation when a contact fills out a lead for to subscribe to your mailing list.

  • Email opens and reads

    Capture opens and reads to find the most engaged contacts, then follow up with a targeted email or SMS campaign.

  • Website activity

    Use our site and event tracking features to find out which actions users are taking across your website and apps. Then start automations when they complete the actions you want to see.

  • Contact field changes

    Contact’s preferences changed? Set automations to start when a contact field hits a certain state.

Trigger actions from over 900 apps

Find an integration for your favorite marketing tools in our app marketplace and start triggering automations based on what matters to you.

  • Salesforce

    Automatically sync contact fields with your Salesforce platform and trigger automated nurtures.

  • Calendly

    Update contact fields and send personalized outreach when your lead schedules a Calendly meeting.

  • Typeform

    Trigger a follow-up based on the data your lead enters into your custom Typeform sign-up form.

  • Unbounce

    Use your Unbounce landing page data to start relevant campaigns and update contact fields.

Set goals and choose what happens next

Not all your contacts have the same needs. Goal tracking lets you see who’s moving through your funnel – and where people drop off.

  • Set specific goal actions

    When contacts take the actions you chose, you can move them to the right stage of the funnel and switch up your content.

  • See how goals perform

    If you’re not hitting the benchmarks and objectives you need, you can trigger a follow-up campaign or switch channels to boost engagement.

  • Segment users and take action

    When a contact moves into a new segment, you can send them a new campaign automatically to bring them up to speed.

  • Measure every step of your marketing

    Adapt your automations and start new ones based on your outcomes from split testing and previous campaigns.

Win Probability

Optimize your marketing and sales efforts by predicting which deals are most likely to close. Our win probability feature uses AI to analyze every deal and give them a score based on relevant metrics.

A male presenting person in a bright, open plan office. Superimposed above them is the ActiveCampaign win probability interface, showing a 51% likelihood of a deal going through.

AI-powered Automation Builder

Drag and drop actions together to create your ideal automated workflow. Or set out what you want to achieve in plain-language prompts and AI will do it for you.

A worker in a modern office looking at a laptop, using ActiveCampaigns AI tools to automatically build an automation.

Split & Conditional Actions

Create more complex automations with advanced logic and conditions. Build adaptable, always-on campaigns that pivot based on your contacts’ actions and behaviors.

Automation Recipes

Save more time with our library of 900+ pre-built automations. We’ve put together ready-to-go workflows for every industry, so you can get up-and-running with powerful automations right away.

Static example of an email-related automation workflow where a Calendly meeting is scheduled, an email is sent, then branches based on if the meeting was attended.

Ready to take ActiveCampaign for a spin?

Try it free for 14 days.

Free 14-day trial with email sign-up
Join over 150k customers. No credit card needed. Instant setup.