TikTok Ads 

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Créé par ActiveCampaign Inbound
Easily sync leads from TikTok Ads to your ActiveCampaign contacts by connecting your Instant Forms. Keep track of which forms someone submits over time and personalize communication through automation.

TikTok Lead Generation allows you to effortlessly capture leads from an engaged audience on TikTok. With ActiveCampaign’s direct integration with TikTok, generating leads becomes seamless. This integration enables TikTok advertisers to transfer leads to ActiveCampaign right when they submit a form, ensuring timely and personalized follow-up. Engage with new customers through this lead generation connection as effectively as possible with everything ActiveCampaign has to offer.

Key Features:

  • Automated Lead Capture: Automatically sync contacts to ActiveCampaign when someone submits your Instant Form on TikTok.
  • Personalized Follow-Up: Connect with your leads with meaningful information based on the form they submitted and any details they shared about their interest in your business.
  • Enhanced Lead Management: Keep track of engagement across multiple channels, celebrate highly engaged leads, and follow up across different channels within automated workflows.
  • Optimized Conversion Tracking: Monitor the performance of your contacts in ActiveCampaign and send important conversion data back to TikTok Ads to improve your advertising operations in the future.

Unlock the full potential of your TikTok Lead Gen Forms and revolutionize your lead generation efforts with seamless integration into ActiveCampaign. Learn more here.

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