The 7 Best CRM Software for Nonprofits in 2024

Today, you have a long list of CRM software solutions to choose from and it can be overwhelming and time-consuming to decide which will best suit your business needs. Aimed specifically at nonprofits, this article will explore the best CRM software for nonprofits and equip you with the knowledge to choose the solution that will make the biggest impact.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance donor engagement, streamline communication, or optimize your lead generation, you’ll walk away knowing which tool will be the best for your team.

What is CRM software?

CRM (customer relationship management) software is a powerful tool that allows businesses to manage and nurture their relationships with customers, donors, and other stakeholders. It serves as a centralized hub for collecting, organizing, and analyzing customer data, providing a holistic view of interactions and enabling organizations to deliver personalized experiences.

CRM software is used to streamline and enhance various aspects of customer management and engagement. It enables businesses to store and manage customer information such as contact details, purchase history, communication preferences, and more. This comprehensive database helps organizations gain insights into their customers’ behaviors, interests, and needs, enabling personalized interactions and targeted marketing campaigns.

CRM software facilitates effective customer engagement through features such as email marketing, lead management, and task automation. It allows businesses to track and manage interactions across multiple channels, including email, phone calls, social media, and in-person meetings. This helps organizations build stronger relationships, provide timely follow-ups, and nurture leads throughout the customer journey.

CRM also software provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling businesses to measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

What are the benefits of CRM software for nonprofits?

CRM software offers numerous benefits for nonprofit organizations, helping them effectively manage relationships with donors, supporters, and stakeholders. 

Some key advantages of CRM software include:

  • Centralized donor database: CRM software provides a centralized database where nonprofits can store and manage donor information. This allows for easy access to contact details, donation history, communication preferences, and other relevant data. Having a centralized database streamlines operations and ensures that up-to-date donor information is readily available for personalized engagement and targeted marketing efforts.
  • Enhanced donor engagement: CRM software enables nonprofits to deliver personalized experiences to donors. By capturing and analyzing donor data, nonprofits can understand their interests, preferences, and past interactions. This information allows organizations to tailor their communications and engagement strategies, increasing the likelihood of donor engagement, retention, and ongoing support.
  • Improved communication and follow-up: CRM software facilitates efficient communication with donors. Nonprofits can track donor interactions, schedule reminders, and automate follow-ups. This ensures timely and personalized communication, demonstrating the nonprofit’s dedication and responsiveness to donor needs. Effective communication nurtures stronger relationships and fosters donor loyalty.
  • Donor segmentation and targeted campaigns: CRM software enables nonprofits to segment their donors based on various criteria such as giving history, interests, and engagement levels. By grouping donors into segments, organizations can tailor their marketing campaigns and outreach efforts to specific audiences. Targeted campaigns result in more relevant messaging, higher response rates, and increased donor engagement.
  • Data-driven decision-making: CRM software provides valuable insights and analytics on donor behavior, campaign performance, and donation trends. Nonprofits can leverage this data to make informed decisions, optimize fundraising strategies, and identify areas for improvement. Data-driven decision-making leads to more effective resource allocation, improved campaign outcomes, and increased donor satisfaction.

How to choose the best CRM software for a nonprofit

Choosing the right CRM software is a crucial decision for nonprofit organizations. 

Here are some primary considerations to keep in mind when selecting CRM software:

  • Features and customization: Assess the features offered by CRM software and ensure they align with the specific needs of your nonprofit. Look for functionalities such as donor management, communication tracking, segmentation, and reporting. Consider whether the software allows customization to tailor it to your organization’s unique requirements. The flexibility to adapt the software to your workflows and processes is essential for maximizing its effectiveness.
  • Integration capabilities: Evaluate the integration capabilities of CRM software with other tools and systems your nonprofit already uses, such as marketing automation or email marketing platforms. Seamless integration between systems streamlines data transfer, reduces manual effort, and provides a unified view of donor interactions. Assess the compatibility and ease of integration to ensure a cohesive and efficient ecosystem.
  • User-friendliness and training: Consider the user-friendliness of the CRM software and its learning curve. Choose a platform that is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing your staff to quickly adapt and utilize its features. Additionally, evaluate the availability and quality of training resources, documentation, and customer support. Adequate training and support materials will enable your team to make the most of the CRM software and troubleshoot any issues efficiently.
  • Scalability and pricing: Consider the scalability of the CRM software as your nonprofit grows and expands its donor base. Ensure that the software can accommodate increased data volumes and handle the growth in your organization’s needs. Assess the pricing structure, including any additional costs for additional users or features, to ensure it aligns with your budget and the value provided by the software.

The best CRM software for nonprofits in 2024

There are a variety of CRM software solutions on the market today. These are our top picks for nonprofits.


G2 Rank: 4.5/5 stars

ActiveCampaign is regarded as one of the best CRM software solutions for nonprofit organizations. With robust features and a user-friendly interface, it’s an ideal choice for managing donor relationships, optimizing communication, and driving impactful outcomes.

Unique features of ActiveCampaign that set it apart include:

  • Advanced segmentation: ActiveCampaign offers advanced segmentation capabilities, allowing nonprofits to categorize their donors based on various criteria such as donation history, engagement levels, and interests. This enables personalized messaging and targeted campaigns, resulting in higher engagement and response rates.
  • Email automation: ActiveCampaign provides powerful email automation tools that allow nonprofits to create personalized email campaigns and automate follow-ups. Nonprofits can nurture leads, send timely acknowledgments, and maintain consistent communication, ensuring donor engagement and satisfaction.
  • Analytics and reporting: ActiveCampaign offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features that provide insights into donor behavior, campaign performance, and email engagement. Nonprofits can track key metrics, measure the effectiveness of their communication efforts, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies.

ActiveCampaign is a great choice for nonprofit organizations that seek a robust CRM solution to manage their donor relationships. With advanced segmentation, email automation, and analytics capabilities, ActiveCampaign empowers nonprofits to build stronger donor relationships and drive meaningful impact toward their mission.

What languages does ActiveCampaign support?

ActiveCampaign fully supports English Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, and French and partially supports Russian, Indonesian, Danish, Polish, Dutch, Hungarian, and Czech.

Which currencies does ActiveCampaign accept?

ActiveCampaign accepts the US Dollar (USD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Australian Dollar (AUD), and Brazilian Real (BRL).

What is the entry-level pricing for ActiveCampaign?

ActiveCampaign’s entry-level pricing starts at $15/month. With the Starter plan, you get multi-step automation, email sends 10x your contact limit, site and event tracking, basic reporting and analytics, access to 900+ integrations, A/B testing, hundreds of beautifully designed email templates, and more.

Plus, no matter what plan you choose, you’ll enjoy features like:

  • Accelerated onboarding
  • Contact migration
  • Chat and ticket support
  • Customer enablement workshops
  • And video tutorials

Find all plans on the ActiveCampaign pricing page.

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud

G2 Rank: 4/5 stars

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud is a CRM software solution that offers a comprehensive suite of tools specifically designed to address the unique needs and challenges of nonprofits. With its extensive features and scalability, Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud empowers organizations to efficiently manage donor relationships, drive engagement, and achieve their mission.

Unique features of Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud that make it stand out include:

  • Donor management: Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud provides robust donor management capabilities, allowing nonprofits to centralize donor data, track interactions, and manage relationships effectively. It enables organizations to gain a holistic view of donors, their interests, and engagement, facilitating personalized engagement and targeted communication.
  • Fundraising and grants: The software offers features to streamline fundraising efforts and manage grants. Nonprofits can track donations, manage campaigns, and automate processes related to grants and fundraising activities. This comprehensive functionality ensures efficient management of funding sources and facilitates transparent reporting.
  • Engagement and advocacy: Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud enables nonprofits to engage with donors, volunteers, and advocates through various channels. It facilitates personalized communication, automates engagement journeys, and tracks interactions, empowering organizations to drive meaningful engagement and inspire action.

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud caters to non-profit organizations that require a robust CRM solution tailored to their specific needs. Whether nonprofits are focused on donor management, fundraising, or advocacy, Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud’s extensive features and scalability make it an excellent choice.

What languages does Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud support?

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud supports Danish, German, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Chinese (Simplified).

What currencies does Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud accept?

Salesforce accepts a number of currencies including the US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), British Pound (GBP), Australian Dollar (AUD), and Canadian Dollar (CAD).

For more payment details, visit Salesforce’s supported currencies page.

What is the entry-level pricing for Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud?

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud starts at an entry-level price of $60/user per month billed annually. This entry-level pricing called the Enterprise Edition plan gives you the power to fund, deliver, and measure impact with one integrated platform for nonprofits.

Find more information on the Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud pricing page.

Does Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud integrate with ActiveCampaign? 

Yes, Salesforce integrates with ActiveCampaign. When you integrate, you can automatically update contact information in ActiveCampaign based on changes in Salesforce, ensuring your customer data is always current. This can also enable you to segment your audience and send targeted marketing messages based on interactions with your sales and customer service teams.

For more details, visit the ActiveCampaign and Salesforce integration page.

Blackbaud CRM

G2 Rank: 3.5/5 stars

Blackbaud CRM is a top CRM software solution for non-profit organizations, offering comprehensive donor management and engagement tools that cater specifically to the needs of nonprofits.

Unique features of Blackbaud CRM that make it stand out include:

  • Constituent relationship management: Blackbaud CRM provides constituent management capabilities, allowing nonprofits to effectively manage relationships with donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders. It enables organizations to track interactions, manage communications, and maintain a comprehensive view of their constituents’ engagement and giving history.
  • Fundraising and donor stewardship: The software offers advanced fundraising and donor stewardship features. Nonprofits can manage campaigns, track donations, and analyze giving patterns. Blackbaud CRM also includes tools for cultivating major donors, managing grants, and facilitating personalized stewardship efforts.
  • Analytics and reporting: Blackbaud CRM provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities that enable nonprofits to gain actionable insights from their donor data. Nonprofits can track key performance indicators, measure the success of their campaigns, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their fundraising and engagement strategies.

Blackbaud CRM is a great choice for non-profit organizations looking for a comprehensive CRM solution tailored to their unique needs. Blackbaud CRM’s extensive features and specialized functionalities make it a top choice by empowering nonprofits to effectively engage with their constituents, optimize fundraising efforts, and drive meaningful impact toward their mission.

What languages does Blackbaud CRM support?

Blackbaud CRM supports the English language.

What currencies does Blackbaud CRM accept? 

Blackbaud CRM accepts multiple currencies including but now limited to the US Dollar (USD), British Pound (GBP), Euro (EUR), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Australian Dollar (AUD), and Russian Ruble (RUB).

What is the entry-level pricing for Blackbaud CRM?

Blackbaud CRM does not have pricing available to the public. To find out what your personal pricing plan will amount to, any interested in Blackbaud CRM should request a personalized quote on their pricing page.

Does Blackbaud CRM integrate with ActiveCampaign?

Blackbaud CRM does not integrate with ActiveCampaign.


G2 Rank: 4.7/5 stars

Bloomerang is a CRM software solution for non-profit organizations with a comprehensive suite of tools designed specifically for the unique needs of nonprofits, helping them effectively manage donor relationships, improve engagement, and drive meaningful outcomes.

Unique features of Bloomerang that set it apart include:

  • Donor retention focus: Bloomerang places a strong emphasis on donor retention and relationship-building. The software provides features and metrics that enable nonprofits to track donor retention rates, identify at-risk donors, and implement strategies to improve donor loyalty and engagement. By prioritizing donor relationships, Bloomerang helps nonprofits build stronger connections and foster long-term support.
  • Donor engagement scoring: Bloomerang offers donor engagement scoring capabilities, allowing nonprofits to measure and assess the level of engagement from their donors. This feature enables organizations to identify highly engaged donors, segment their database based on engagement levels, and tailor their communication and stewardship efforts accordingly.
  • Integrated communication tools: Bloomerang provides integrated communication tools such as email marketing and social media management. Nonprofits can leverage these tools to send personalized messages, track interactions, and engage with their donors through various channels. This seamless integration facilitates efficient and targeted communication, enhancing donor engagement and satisfaction.

Bloomerang caters to non-profit organizations that value donor retention, relationship-building, and personalized engagement. The software has a big focus on donor retention, engagement scoring, and integrated communication tools, empowering nonprofits to effectively manage their donor relationships, improve engagement, and drive long-term support for their mission.

What languages does Bloomerang support?

Bloomerang currently only supports the English language.

What currencies does Bloomerang accept?

Bloomerang only supports payouts to nonprofits in the United States – $USD.

What is the entry-level pricing for Bloomerang?

Bloomerang pricing starts at $119/month billed annually and gives users access to 5,000 monthly emails, 10GB of file attachment storage, email and chat support, donor engagement scoring, Bloomerang Academy, unlimited online giving pages and forms, wealth screening, and more.

Find all plan details on the Bloomerang pricing page.

Does Bloomerang integrate with ActiveCampaign?

Bloomerang does not integrate with ActiveCampaign.

Neon CRM

G2 Rank: 4.3/5 stars

Neon CRM is a CRM software solution that gives users access to a comprehensive set of features specifically designed to meet the unique needs of nonprofits. This helps nonprofits effectively manage donor relationships, streamline operations, and drive impact.

Unique features of Neon CRM that make it stand out include:

  • Donor management: Neon CRM provides robust donor management capabilities, allowing nonprofits to track donor information, manage interactions, and cultivate stronger relationships. It enables organizations to centralize donor data, track donation history, and segment donors based on various criteria. This feature enhances personalized engagement, targeted communication, and donor stewardship efforts.
  • Fundraising and event management: The software offers advanced fundraising and event management functionalities. Nonprofits can create online donation forms, manage campaigns, and track fundraising progress. Neon CRM also includes features for managing events, tracking registrations, and collecting payments, streamlining event management processes for nonprofits.
  • Reporting and analytics: Neon CRM provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools that allow nonprofits to gain insights from their donor data. Organizations can track key metrics, measure campaign success, and generate custom reports to inform decision-making. These analytics enable nonprofits to optimize their fundraising strategies, track donor engagement, and drive more impactful outcomes.

What languages does Neon CRM support?

At this time, English is the only available language that Neon CRM supports.

What currencies does Neon CRM accept?

Neon CRM accepts a wide range of currencies. Your system’s currency depends on the configuration of the payment processor(s) linked to your Neon CRM system.

What is the entry-level pricing for Neon CRM?

Neon CRM entry-level pricing is called the Essentials plan and starts at $99/month. This plan provides you with the tools you need to operate a best-in-class fundraising database including fundraising and donor management, peer-to-peer fundraising, grant management, activity tracking and prospecting, file storage, and much more. 

For full details, visit the Neon CRM pricing page.

Does Neon CRM integrate with ActiveCampaign?

No, Neon CRM does not integrate with ActiveCampaign. You can find similar CRM integrations by visiting ActiveCampaign’s Marketplace.


G2 Rank: 4.4/5 stars

DonorPerfect is a popular CRM software solution that offers comprehensive features and specialized functionalities. It empowers nonprofits to effectively manage donor relationships, streamline fundraising efforts, and drive meaningful outcomes.

Unique features of DonorPerfect that set it apart include:

  • Donor management: DonorPerfect provides robust donor management capabilities, allowing nonprofits to centralize donor information, track interactions, and manage relationships effectively. It enables organizations to maintain comprehensive donor profiles, track donation history, and segment donors based on various criteria.
  • Online fundraising: The software offers robust online fundraising tools that allow nonprofits to create customizable donation forms, accept online donations, and manage fundraising campaigns. Nonprofits can easily track and manage online donations, set up recurring giving options, and analyze fundraising progress.
  • Reporting and analytics: DonorPerfect provides advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, enabling nonprofits to gain insights from their donor data. Nonprofits can generate custom reports, track key metrics, and measure the success of their fundraising campaigns. These analytics help nonprofits make data-driven decisions, identify trends, and optimize their fundraising strategies for maximum impact.

DonorPerfect is best suited for non-profit organizations that need a comprehensive CRM solution tailored to their specific needs. Whether nonprofits focus on donor management, online fundraising, or reporting, DonorPerfect’s extensive features and user-friendly interface make it a top choice.

What languages does DonorPerfect support?

DonorPerfect currently only provides support for the English language.

What currencies does DonorPerfect accept?

DonorPerfect accepts gifts in any currency and automatically converts payment information to the currency of the account owner.

What is the entry-level pricing for DonorPerfect?

Although DonorPerfect advertises a public price of $99/month, it’s best to visit their pricing page to request a custom price quote.

All packages include a customizable fundraising and donor management system, a comprehensive reporting and dashboard, integrated online donation forms, receipting and acknowledgments, live chat support and on-demand webinars, and hands-on onboarding.

Does DonorPerfect integrate with ActiveCampaign? 

DonorPerfect does not integrate with ActiveCampaign. You can find similar CRM integrations by visiting ActiveCampaign’s Marketplace.


G2 Rank: 4.4/5 stars

Kindful is a CRM software solution with comprehensive features and a user-friendly interface. It empowers nonprofits to effectively manage donor relationships, streamline fundraising efforts, and drive impactful outcomes.

Unique features of Kindful that set it apart include:

  • Donor management: Kindful offers robust donor management capabilities, allowing nonprofits to centralize donor information, track interactions, and cultivate stronger relationships. It provides a holistic view of donors, their giving history, and engagement levels. This feature enables nonprofits to personalize communication, track donor interactions, and implement targeted campaigns.
  • Fundraising tools: Kindful provides a range of fundraising tools that help nonprofits streamline their fundraising efforts. Nonprofits can create customized donation pages, track fundraising progress, and generate reports to analyze campaign success. Kindful also offers features like peer-to-peer fundraising and recurring giving options to enhance donor engagement and optimize fundraising efforts.
  • Analytics and reporting: Kindful offers powerful analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing nonprofits to gain insights from their donor data. Nonprofits can track key metrics, measure the impact of their fundraising efforts, and generate custom reports. These analytics help nonprofits make data-driven decisions, identify trends, and optimize their strategies for maximum effectiveness.

Kindful is a great choice for non-profit organizations looking for a user-friendly CRM solution tailored to their specific needs. Its extensive features and intuitive interface make it an excellent choice, empowering nonprofits to effectively engage with their donors and streamline fundraising efforts.

What languages does Kindful support?

Kindful offers support for 7 languages including English, French, German, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

What currencies does Kindful accept?

In Kindful, you set a singular default currency; this is controlled by the gateway you connect. All incoming transactions will default to this currency.

What is the entry-level pricing for Kindful?

Kindful pricing is based on a sliding scale depending on how many contacts you have. Entry-level pricing (1,000 contacts) starts at $119/month billed annually. Every plan includes unlimited users, no additional transaction fees, unlimited donation and crowdfunding pages, 40+ apps and integrations, and all Kindful features. 

For more information, visit the Kindful pricing page.

Does Kindful integrate with ActiveCampaign? 

Although Kindful doesn’t integrate with ActiveCampaign, you can find similar CRM integrations by visiting ActiveCampaign’s Marketplace.