How to Identify Customer Needs (With Info You Already Have)

The world has changed and so have your customers: But how do you know what to offer your customers?...
2 days ago

Types of CTAs: 6 Types of Call to Action to Use on Your Website

Somewhere out there in the wilds of the internet, there may be a mythical website that converts visitors instantly....
1 week ago

What is the Customer Lifecycle?

77% have recommended or even paid more for a personalized experience
3 weeks ago

5 Secrets to Using Quizzes for Effective Lead Generation

This blog was contributed by Boris Pfeiffer, founder of the quiz maker Riddle. Why do quizzes work so well...
4 weeks ago

Lifecycle User Engagement: How To Message Users Across Different Journeys

This post was contributed by Chameleon. There’s nothing worse than opening your inbox and seeing a brand send you...
4 weeks ago

6 Ways to Automate a Perfect Welcome Sequence (and Beyond)

Being at the right place at the right time is the key to success, so you should expect your...
1 month ago

Spoki Basic Guide: Integrating WhatsApp Marketing Into Your Business

WhatsApp is one of the most used apps in the world, so why aren’t you marketing on it? Whatsapp...
2 months ago

7 Conversion Rate Optimization Techniques That Boost Conversions

Whether you manage a team of marketers, run your own e-commerce site, or are an individual content creator responsible...
4 months ago

How To Build Your Perfect Landing Page

Have you ever clicked on an ad and gone to a page that was only about one thing? That’s...
5 months ago