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Time To Market (TTM)


What is Time to Market?

Time to Market (TTM) is a business term that refers to the period from a product being conceived until its availability on the market. It involves stages like product ideation, development, testing, and launch. Companies often aim to minimize TTM to gain a competitive advantage, respond quickly to market changes, and capitalize on unique selling propositions.

Why is reducing time to market essential for businesses?

Reducing Time to Market is crucial for businesses, particularly in industries where product trends and consumer preferences change rapidly. A shorter TTM can lead to early revenue recognition, a faster return on investment, and a head start in market share capture. By leveraging marketing automation tools like ActiveCampaign, businesses can expedite product launches by streamlining marketing processes.

By reducing TTM, businesses can also promptly respond to market shifts, ensuring their offerings stay relevant and competitive. Sales automation is particularly useful as it enables real-time monitoring of sales trends and faster adjustment of strategies.

How does Time to Market integrate with sales and marketing software?

Marketing and sales software significantly impacts TTM. With CRM platforms like ActiveCampaign, businesses can track customer behavior, preferences, and real-time feedback, accelerating product development and improvements. Additionally, marketing software can expedite product launch campaigns through automation, reducing the time it takes to bring the product to the market.

Email marketing, a core feature of marketing automation software, can facilitate faster communication with potential customers and stakeholders, enhancing the effectiveness of product launches. Similarly, sales software can streamline sales processes, reducing the TTM by making closing deals faster and getting the product into customers’ hands.

What are the best practices for reducing Time to Market?

There are several ways to reduce TTM effectively. One is leveraging technology, such as CRM, sales software, and marketing automation tools. These tools automate routine tasks, streamline processes, and provide insights that can speed up product development and launch.

A focused strategy, starting with a clear understanding of market needs and maintaining open lines of communication with all stakeholders, can significantly reduce TTM. For instance, businesses can easily use marketing software to gather customer feedback using marketing software and adjust product features accordingly, ensuring that the product meets market needs upon launch.

Another approach to reducing TTM is efficient project management. This includes closely monitoring timelines, resources, and milestones throughout the product development process. Utilizing sales and marketing automation tools can support these efforts, offering functionalities that enable real-time tracking and adjustments.

Also known as

  • Speed to Market
  • Product Development Cycle
  • Go-to-Market Time

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