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Customer Love Enhancements — Week of May 5th

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This week’s top customer requests, UI updates, navigation enhancements, and performance improvements include:  Webhooks settings, campaigns performance report design, and enhanced segmentation triggers.

Look for the following updates:

Improved visual and user experience in the webhooks settings page:

  • Dynamic display of required fields 
  • Active/Inactive status for webhooks 
  • Provided timestamp when webhooks are disabled and added an option to reactivate the webhook

Campaigns performance report design

In our efforts to improve the styling and usefulness of our reports. We updating:

  • Info banner above filtering that describes the report 
  • Added a useful empty state
  • Table fonts and theme updated

Coming soon: We will be working on adding new data picker component and further improve the styling of content widgets, graphs, and texts. 

Enhanced segmentation in campaigns triggers

This will enable Custom Object segmentation, 1-1 Email segmentation and an updated visual experience when interacting and saving segments in these triggers.

  • Opens/reads email
  • Clicks a link in an email
  • Forwards an email
  • Replies to an email
  • Shares an email

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