Posts from Kevin Armstrong:

How To Use Local Email Marketing To Boost Your Business

This post was updated on June 8th, 2022 Email marketing. For such a simple concept, it’s wildly successful. Maybe...
11 months ago

16 of the Best Conference Swag Ideas for 2022

If you’ve ever gone to a conference, you’re surely familiar with swag. You know—that free, branded stuff that they...
2 years ago

How to Generate Social Entrepreneurship Ideas (from 3 of the Most Successful Social Entrepreneurs)

So you have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to make some positive changes to the world. The problem is...
4 years ago

A Guide to A/B Testing

Marketing has been around for quite some time, but over the last couple of decades, it has been completely...
6 years ago

Understanding the Consumer Buying Decision Process: 3 Consumer Psychology Studies

John Watson, a well-known early psychologist, spent a large portion of his career as an academic and studied a...
6 years ago