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Customer Love Enhancements — Week of January 17

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This week’s top customer requests, UI updates, navigation enhancements, and performance improvements include:  Automation builder, Zapier integration and App Studio. 

Look for the following updates for the automation builder:

  • Improved search function forThis Deal segments when configuring triggers and actions in the automation builder. 

Look for the following updates to the CRM integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365:

  • Company Name has been added as an available field in Lead or Contact entity mappings.
  • Improved language translations on the app navigation labels and Sales Action labels for a better user experience. 

Look for the following updates to App Studio:

  • A bug fix that prevented the versions page from refreshing for 3rd party developers. 

Look for the following updates to Landing Pages:

  • An update to ensure accurate tags are always available for new contact submissions.

Also look for additional improvements to the Zapier integration like:

  • A bug fix within the Task_Title in Zap Output to remove erroneous “+” symbols. 
  • An update to ensure the correct date and time are referenced in Zap Action for new or updated account actions. 
  • More consistent data between test and live Zaps for “New Contact Task” and “New Contact Added to List” triggers.

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