We have been monitoring customer sentiment over the last year since Apple Mail Privacy Protection has been released. We are making some changes to how we handle Email Opens from these contacts to provide more visibility on these interactions and how to engage with this audience moving forward.
Updates include:
- Reporting to show all email opens, including Apple Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) opens
- MPP opens will be excluded from triggering an automation and defining segments
- If contact is using the Apple mail app with MPP enabled to click a link in your email, ActiveCampaign will track that click and record it as an open.
For best practices and more information on how this update will impact you, check out the following resources.
Apple iOS 15 Updates: What You Need to Know and How ActiveCampaign Supports You
ActiveCampaign and Apple iOS 15 Mail Privacy Protection and Best Practices Moving Forward
Think Beyond Email Opens: 10 Customer Engagement Automations to Use Now
Coming Soon: Additional MPP filtering on Reports to toggle your view so you can decide if you want to include or exclude Apple MPP opens. Stay tuned!