How to Test, Troubleshoot, and Fix Automations

Recording of Office Hours hosted by Chris Davis on August 24, 2018. In this session, we learned how to fix an automation that was built incorrectly, how to develop an accountability system for your Sales team, how to integrate ActiveCampaign with Thinkific, and what bounced contacts mean.


Chris Davis: 00:00:01 Alright. Let me just take that off then. Let me come to you Peter. Alright. Peter you are unmuted … I think. I think maybe you have to-

Peter: 00:00:17 I’m unmuted now. Yep.

Chris Davis: 00:00:18 Alright. Peter nice to meet you.

Peter: 00:00:20 Nice to meet you. This is my first time at Office Hours.

Chris Davis: 00:00:22 Oh, welcome. Welcome to Office Hours.

Peter: 00:00:24 Yeah for sure man. I’m trying to get my first automation up and going, and I don’t know if you can log into my account, or if I just need to explain this but-

Chris Davis: 00:00:31 Yeah, go ahead and explain it. My account’s acting up right now.

Peter: 00:00:34 Sorry about that. So I got two things going on. One is, I had somebody build an automation for me, and they just built enormous amounts of if then statements, and there were repeating branches, and I don’t think they understood the goal functionality very well.

My concept of it is this, I should build out in my automation, because I have a seven step funnel, and at each stage of the funnel I want them to positively pass that stage to go to the next stage of the funnel. So that’s what I was thinking … build the happy path, if you will. They say yes every time, right?

Chris Davis: 00:01:22 Yeah.

Peter: 00:01:23 Each one of those stages is like a goal, right?

Chris Davis: 00:01:27 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Peter: 00:01:28 Then when they don’t say yes on that stage of the funnel it goes into no path.

Chris Davis: 00:01:35 Okay.

Peter: 00:01:35 But the no path should … it sends an email and then I believe it should wait conditionally right? It should wait conditionally. It says if they went ahead and bought that thing while they were waiting, then go ahead and go to the Yes pass goal and the no path, right?

Chris Davis: 00:01:53 Okay. Okay.

Peter: 00:01:54 Does that make sense?

Chris Davis: 00:01:55 That’s an option.

Peter: 00:01:57 Is there another way to do it?

Chris Davis: 00:01:58 No, I was just letting you make sure … you were explaining everything.

Peter: 00:02:02 Yeah, I mean that’s really it. If you could login and see what this guy built for me, you’d laugh.

Chris Davis: 00:02:10 In fact, you know what, Peter. Let me promote you to panelist. Do you mind sharing your screen?

Peter: 00:02:19 I can share my screen. Alright, you guys might laugh though.

Chris Davis: 00:02:24 It’s fine.

Peter: 00:02:27 Let’s see here.

So let me get this out of the way and share screen. Okay, so this is my ActiveCampaign.

Chris Davis: 00:02:36 Alright, perfect.

Peter: 00:02:38 If I go over here to automations, you’ve got this one, it’s my first one, and if I was to shrink this thing way down, don’t mock too hard, okay?

Chris Davis: 00:02:55 Oh, no. Even if you … oh my goodness.

Peter: 00:03:02 Right?

Chris Davis: 00:03:04 Oh my goodness.

Peter: 00:03:05 Yeah, so what this guy did was-

Chris Davis: 00:03:08 Oh I’m so sorry, Peter.

Peter: 00:03:09 I know. So look at how all of these no branches are repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating. I don’t think he really understood the goal functionality.

Chris Davis: 00:03:19 No, not at all.

Peter: 00:03:20 Yeah, so.

Chris Davis: 00:03:21 Ouch.

Peter: 00:03:22 Let me blow up one for a second. I think the problem is, you know it says … let’s see if I’ll blow it up here a little bit more. So did the person buy this product? That’s this if statement here.

Chris Davis: 00:03:34 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Peter: 00:03:36 If yes, I think the top of this yes should be the goal that they bought the product. Right? Then, the no branch, well actually he set it up opposite of that, would have … let’s do this one instead. This is a little easier.

So, here. Did they buy this product? Yes? Okay, here’s the goal. I think that’s the correct way to do it. Then no, then he set a tag. What he’s got, he’s got unconditional waits here. He’s just wait one day, wait one day, wait one day but I’m thinking it should be conditional wait and if while you’re waiting, if they buy the product and they get tagged with the goal, they get popped over to here, right?

So I don’t-[crosstalk 00:04:23]

Chris Davis: 00:04:23 Peter, I would … let’s step all the way back. Because he’s got too many goals in here to even make sense of it. People are going to be probably-

Peter: 00:04:29 I know.

Chris Davis: 00:04:30 All over the place.

Peter: 00:04:31 I know, it’s crazy.

Chris Davis: 00:04:32 So, the main goal, and this is good for everybody. First off, I would like to point out: be as smart as Peter was when he saw this and something raised a flag, and he reached out and got help. So, I want you all to emulate that. Please emulate that. Second off, I can confidentially say if you run across somebody that is proposing building like this to you, do it again, exactly what Peter did and question it. Say, “What a minute, hold on, is that right?” Seriously, for everybody listening.

So the first thing is Peter, this is for your Business with a Purpose blueprint. Is that your product?

Peter: 00:05:16 Right. Well that’s the whole funnel. There’s a number of products in the funnel, but yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:05:20 Okay. So the first thing I would do is I would split up the automations in here. There’s easily about four or five different automations, per the goal.

So one is gonna … and what’s easy now, the goal can be the product.

Peter: 00:05:33 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:05:34 But let’s use one product, and walk through it and then that’s what I recommend, excuse me, emulating for the other four or five products that you have. Okay?

Peter: 00:05:34 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:05:44 So let’s … what is one of your products?

Peter: 00:05:47 So this is the first product, Discovering your True Purpose formula.

Chris Davis: 00:05:51 Beautiful. Beautiful. How does somebody, how do they opt in to that funnel?

Peter: 00:05:58 That’s a whole nother problem. I have Kajabi and-

Chris Davis: 00:06:02 Okay, so what’s the course?

Peter: 00:06:04 Yeah, I’m having problems with the Kajabi and-

Chris Davis: 00:06:06 I’ve got you.

So, the course is on Kajabi and then you’ve got a landing page that they visit, and when they register is there a portion of the course that’s free?

Peter: 00:06:17 There is. Well, at the top of the funnel here, there’s an opt-in page and they get a free PDF email here. So this part of the funnel is the only thing that’s really working.

Chris Davis: 00:06:26 Yeah, right?

Break it up. So great, great.

This will be, we can simplify this a lot. So here’s what I will propose to you, okay? In your case where the goal is essentially the product, which is enrollment, is I would have none of your automations branch off too much and the goal should always be at the bottom. Singular goal for every automation.

So have one automation for all, what was it?

Tell me the name.

Peter: 00:06:54 Discover Your True Purpose.

Chris Davis: 00:06:55 Discover Your True Purpose is the name of an automation.

Peter: 00:06:58 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:06:59 It starts where we use the same start trigger that you have, what is this start trigger?

Peter: 00:07:05 It’s an opt-in form.

Chris Davis: 00:07:06 Okay, so they submit a form, and what you’re going to do is because you’re a smart marketer, you’re giving away something free, and that free is this PDF. So they’re going to get the PDF, I’m going to give you some optimization tips too. I’m just in that giving mood today, Peter.

So what I would recommend, and you may already be doing it, actually. In the PDF that they have, do you have a link to the Kajabe course?

Peter: 00:07:27 Yes.

Chris Davis: 00:07:28 Yep, so great. See, there it is. So now you have the PDF. The link goes there. The goal is for them to purchase the course. That’s at the very bottom of the automation.

Peter: 00:07:38 The bottom of this first thing here?

Chris Davis: 00:07:41 Yep, so what this automation would look like is your start trigger, your tag that I see that you have here, email, and then right under it would be a goal.

Peter: 00:07:50 Right here, okay.

Chris Davis: 00:07:51 Yep and then you wouldn’t need anything else. Now-

Peter: 00:07:54 So just hangs there until that goal’s met.

Chris Davis: 00:07:56 There you go.

Peter: 00:07:58 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:07:58 So here’s the next thing though, Peter. Watch this. I can add reminders, or I could have a followup sequence, a series of emails that are dripped out to continue to communicate the value of the course.

Peter: 00:08:12 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:08:12 So I could have maybe three more and you want them spaced two days apart-

Peter: 00:08:16 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:08:17 But in-between the goal. Right? So now, what I’m allowing people to do is ascend through or proceed through that process at their rate. Because at any time if they purchase, they’ll jump down to that goal and they’ll stop receiving emails.

Peter: 00:08:36 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:08:36 That’s the automation that you want to be. That’s the automation you want built times five for every course that you have.

Peter: 00:08:43 Okay, so each, each thing that I want them to do is its own automation.

Chris Davis: 00:08:49 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Peter: 00:08:51 So this structure that we have over here, let’s look at this.

Chris Davis: 00:08:54 And it looks like my account is back so I can actually show you on my screen now.

Peter: 00:08:59 Oh okay. I can stop sharing if you want, but before I do … so over here it was like did they buy this course is the if question.

Chris Davis: 00:09:07 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Peter: 00:09:08 Then he’s got the goal at the top, send them the login to the course.

Chris Davis: 00:09:11 Yeah this goal is going to bypass the if else.

If they achieve this goal, they’re gonna jump right by that goal. So it’s like a pointless if else.

Peter: 00:09:21 Got it.

Chris Davis: 00:09:21 You see?

Peter: 00:09:22 So he doesn’t even know what he’s doing.

Chris Davis: 00:09:23 No. Not at all. Not even a little bit. And another flag for me too is any time you have more than two or three goals within an automation, that’s like an orange light. I’m like okay, depending on how savvy you are in ActiveCampaign, you may know what you’re doing but most of the time your goals are … you know. Unless it’s like a reminder. We’ve done a webinar reminder series, where you can have multiple goals, but I would know that because they’re all linear. They’re not broken up.

There’s no way you should have if else’s and multiple goals. Because they’re kind of counter each other.

Peter: 00:10:00 Yeah, when I zoomed out you saw how crazy that was.

Alright, so this had to be completely redone.

Chris Davis: 00:10:07 Yeah.

Peter: 00:10:08 Got it. Let me ask you one more question while I’m here.

Chris Davis: 00:10:11 Sure.

Peter: 00:10:11 While you see my screen. So the other thing he was doing, which I thought was completely absurd, was he was driving those if/then statements with lists. I’m like no, that’s not how you do it.

Chris Davis: 00:10:24 Yeah. That’s gonna get messy quick, man.

Peter: 00:10:26 But and this is something that I spoke to your folks this morning over chat about. Which is, you saw it, this is the free PDF give away and opt-in form. The leads are getting in here, but then when they actually buy a product, it’s not coming across in that Kajabe integration.

Chris Davis: 00:10:49 Okay. Is Kajabe integrated with Zapier to send that information back to ActiveCampaign or is it a native integration?

Peter: 00:10:55 It’s a native, it’s supposed to be a native integration.

Chris Davis: 00:10:58 Okay. At the list level?

Peter: 00:11:00 Well, no. It’s at the offer level, when you actually buy it. There’s an integration that says send this contact over to ActiveCampaign. You can put a tag in there, right?

Chris Davis: 00:11:11 Oh okay. Great. Great.

Peter: 00:11:13 So, it does, let me see … so what happens is actually I put it in here. If I go through, what do you call it, the free PDF opt-in

Chris Davis: 00:11:13 Yep.

Peter: 00:11:28 It works. It works, no problem.

Chris Davis: 00:11:28 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Peter: 00:11:32 But then when you get to the product, after the opt-in, it doesn’t work. Except I did a test and I went in here. I said, let me skip the opt-in and just buy the product and you can see that it did tag that they bought that product.

Chris Davis: 00:11:49 Yeah. Great. Great.

Peter: 00:11:52 Well, not great.

Chris Davis: 00:11:54 So what it sounds like is the action that subscribes them to your customer list is disconnected, right? So right here I see that they’re on Business with a Purpose blueprint and I see that they have that tag, but they haven’t entered any automation. Which makes sense, because you just flat out bought the product.

Peter: 00:12:19 Yeah. I think you’re missing what I’m saying is if they did the opt-in and then buy the product?

Chris Davis: 00:12:24 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Peter: 00:12:24 They don’t get this tag.

So in other words, this-

Chris Davis: 00:12:29 Oh you’re saying they don’t get that tag from … that’s weird.

Peter: 00:12:33 From Kajabe, yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:12:34 Because the Kajabe doesn’t know they’ve opted-in.

Peter: 00:12:36 It sounds like a bug, because here this one, see he got the opt-in tag.

Chris Davis: 00:12:42 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Peter: 00:12:43 But he also bought the product. I know because I did this test. He didn’t get the tag. So this contact didn’t, he got the first tag. So I was actually running through the funnel, he got one tag, but didn’t get the second tag.

Chris Davis: 00:12:57 Yeah.

Peter: 00:12:57 I’m like, something’s broken.

Chris Davis: 00:12:59 Yeah, there’s definitely something amiss here.

Peter: 00:13:03 But when I skip the opt-in form and just go to the product directly, like on this test? The tag does come across. No not that one, but the tag does come across when I skip the opt-in and just buy the product. You can see, this is the by tag. So, the integration with Kajabe seems like it’s working when you do the actions independent of each other or when you string them together, it doesn’t work.

Chris Davis: 00:13:33 But you know what. You know what I’m thinking though, Peter? Is the fact that if you opt-in, you get added to that crazy automation. There may be something going on in that automation that could be removing that tag or preventing something else from happening.

Peter: 00:13:48 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:13:49 Because that’s like the variable right? Skip, go in the automation, things work one way, don’t go in the automation things work another way. So, I’ve got a strange suspicion that it’s probably something within that automation and all of those if else’s in goals that may be counteracting Kajabe.

Cause you know, Kajabe doesn’t know. Kajabe doesn’t know what automation, it’s kind of like blind execution. It should be tagging everybody.

Peter: 00:14:16 Alright, so we already know that the automations totally jacked up, so we just need to go redo that.

Chris Davis: 00:14:21 Yeah, so and Mark has a really good, in the chat, Mark said, “The good news is you can copy this massive automation, give it a new name, and delete the actions and elements you don’t need.” So you don’t have-

Peter: 00:14:21 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:14:32 To start from scratch.

Peter: 00:14:34 Yeah, thank you. Thank you Mark.

Chris Davis: 00:14:36 That’s what I would do, Peter, and then-

Peter: 00:14:38 I’ll stop sharing.

Chris Davis: 00:14:39 Do your same test.

Peter: 00:14:41 Yep.

Chris Davis: 00:14:41 Do the exact same test with the simplified automation and see if you’re having those same issues. I have a strange suspicion, though, they’ll go away.

Peter: 00:14:50 Thanks man, that helps a lot. I appreciate it.

Chris Davis: 00:14:52 Yep, no problem. Thank you for attending Office Hours.

Peter: 00:14:55 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:14:56 I hope to see you as a regular.

Peter: 00:14:57 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:14:57 [crosstalk 00:14:57] when you can make it.

Peter: 00:14:59 Alright, I’ll get back when I have more issues. I’m sure I will.

Chris Davis: 00:14:59 Okay.

Peter: 00:15:02 Or questions. Questions.

Chris Davis: 00:15:03 Yeah, question. It could be issues, questions, or just ideas. Anything, that’s what we’re here for, so. Thanks, Peter.

Peter: 00:15:10 Perfect. Thank you.

Chris Davis: 00:15:12 Alright. Great. Great. Great. That was really good. And again, everybody, make sure if you’re not the one implementing the automation for you, make sure you’re watching it. I mean, Peter could have easily been somebody that was like, oh I’ve got a guy or a person, they’re handling it. But so good for him. He checked in and said, hey wait a minute, this doesn’t look right.

As you see, when someone is building your automation, that is inexperienced, it can have a lot of other repercussions that you’re not aware of … because who knows, you know, what’s going on.

Alright, so Mark let me get yours. You know what I didn’t even put my names up. I’ve got it all fixed now, everybody, too. So let me share my screen. There we go, look at that. My account is back. So I’m ready. I am ready to answer any and all questions. So let me start here with Mark.

Welcome back, Mark. Haven’t seen you in a little bit. Hope all has been well and is well. Where di my Zinger go?

Alright, there we go. It’s moving around on me. Everybody. It was trying to fake me out today.

Where do I get the recording of this item?

It will be, Peter, it’ll be at Well here let me get the link. Office Hours and we are working on sending this link out to everybody who has subscribed. So it’ll be a lot easier.

But I just put it in there, in the chat for you, Peter.

Alright, so, Mark. We get to your question here … I thought I just unroll like that. Is there a way to change the from email address when sending a one-off email from inside a contact? RO only by logging into a different AC User account with a desired from if not feature request?

Alright, so for this one, here’s what Mark is talking about, correct me if I’m wrong. When you go, so there’s three emails you can send an ActiveCampaign. You can send an automated email, that’s from within an automation. You can send a campaign that’s a one-off email to a bunch of people at once. Or you can go into the specific, ActiveCampaign account or contact record, and send an email. This is called a personal email. What Mark wants to do is to be able to change, you see where it says from to? He wants to be able to change the From name in this email, and right now no that’s not possible for personal ones. Because this From, Mark, is tied to the person who is logged in.

So yeah, you’re right. By logging into a different AC user account. So you would have to be logged in as a person you want them to send, that you want to send the email as, but yes, definitely you can put that as a feature request where you can add, right? Where you can use any user. You can send an email on behalf of any of the users. I think that would be a great idea.

Alright. Then, please review the deal-specific score versus the contact score and the one time only action. I believe you need to create a one time action, then use the action in the automation if you want to count that action for the once. 100% true, Mark. Here’s what Mark is talking about. When we go to contacts, look at this when we go to manage scoring. What you’ll learn is when I go to add a new score, you see I can add a contact score or I can add a deal score. They both work as shown in where you can … the score for, let me keep that back up. Any score that you create for a contact is going to show on the contact record. Any score you show on a deal is going to show on the deal record.

So there could be an event where a contact could have a different … could have a deal and the scores be different. It’s for that very reason. Let’s say I have a deal that is, I’ll use Peter’s example, somebody is potentially interested in my course. Right? I’ve got five courses, depending on maybe they’ve taken another course? I can increase the deal score. Right? So if I have Course B and they’ve taken Course A, Course B is now more valuable because they’ve already taken that course. Right? That’s if I want to handle scoring on the deal level. Because when you create a deal, you have your monetary value attached to it.

So I can say $2,000 and the score on that deal based on previous actions is high, so this $2,000 is probably going to get closed. Right?

Or I can score the contact. The contact may have a separate score. They’ve taken two courses and their score indicates that they’re a course taker, or what not. So now I can actively market to them based on their personal score, and the deal could be specific to the outcome that I want.

So yeah, that’s the difference between the two. For those of you who haven’t set it up, I’m just confirming what Mark is saying here. If you set your scores here, whether it’s a deal score or not, this is going to run one time. These are, it’s true once, they’re one and done.  Okay?

So if we look at this one, I have 30 day email engagement. The maximum amount of points you would ever be able to have from this score is 35 points. Okay? Cause once you open it, you’ve done this.

Once you’ve clicked it, you’ve done this. It doesn’t matter if you click it five times, or if you click it four times you’re not getting 100 points. Okay?

That’s where this note is. Rule, rules only run once for each contact. Use automations. In fact, I’m sorry, I said that the max is 35. I misspoke. The max is 10 or 25. So whichever one of these is true? To make this rule run then that’s what they’ll get. This rule will not run again. So it says if you want to add repeating point values, learn more and that’s essentially going to send you to the automations. Where if you put deal scoring or elite scoring in automations you can continually add to and subtract [inaudible 00:21:54]. So.

Yep. You’re right, Mark.

Alright, Todd. I’m coming for you. I’ve got your question as well, but since you’ve got your hand up Todd, I’m just going to let you speak, man. Alright. I think things. Oh, okay. There we go. Alright, Todd. I’ve promoted you to panelist. You should be able to talk now.

Todd: 00:22:27 Can you hear me, Chris?

Chris Davis: 00:22:28 Hey, Todd. Yes I can hear you.

Todd: 00:22:30 Hey this service you got, that you guys offer, is just fabulous. I really do appreciate it.

Chris Davis: 00:22:35 Great, thank you so much.

Todd: 00:22:37 What I’m looking to do is I have a digital marketing agency and part of the services that I offer is just lead gen. I do all the back-end work and I just send them the leads. The leads can be sent via email or by phone or by both, depending on what the client prefers.

Chris Davis: 00:22:59 Okay.

Todd: 00:23:00 The problem I’m having is some of the clients are saying they’re not getting the leads.

Chris Davis: 00:23:06 Okay.

Todd: 00:23:07 When I’ve done secret shopping with them, the problem I’m seeing is they’re not contacting me back, when I’m a secret shopper. So is there a way to capture or automate or report fact of when they capture or when they received a lead and when they contact a lead? Can I send automations to remind them when a lead comes in? Like 15 minutes afterwards, 30 minutes, an hour, or two hours and then how do I report that they’re actually contacting the lead through ActiveCampaign, when they’re setup through the CRM process?

Chris Davis: 00:23:51 Alright. Alright. Got it.

I think I got it. I’m going to repeat some of it and just let me know how accurate or inaccurate it is.


Todd: 00:23:58 Alright.

Chris Davis: 00:23:59 So you’re running the digital marketing for them. Are you setting them up with their own ActiveCampaign account per company?

Todd: 00:24:07 Yes.

Chris Davis: 00:24:08 Alright. So they have their own ActiveCampaign account. You’re doing all the marketing, leads are coming in to their individual accounts, right?

Todd: 00:24:16 Yes.

Chris Davis: 00:24:16 It’s on, it’s not up to them to reach out to those leads.

Todd: 00:24:21 Correct.

Chris Davis: 00:24:22 Once they enter their account and you want a way, you want an accountability system, essentially, that not only reminds them but also reports to you?

Todd: 00:24:31 Correct. So that way both the … a lot of the businesses have salespeople that will answer the phone or answer the emails. So the salespeople do, now that you guys have the app on the phone, the salespeople access all their contacts and CRM through the phone app.

Chris Davis: 00:24:50 Great.

Todd: 00:24:50 They do it that way, so that way they’re not tied to a desk. They’re actually out and about.

So just kind of curious, how do we capture that their salespeople are actually contacting these leads and are they doing it in a quick and efficient manner?

A lot of these, if they don’t answer within 15 minutes, those leads are going on to another business.

Chris Davis: 00:25:15 Okay and then once they’ve contacted them, they essentially need to be trained to move that deal into the next stage like has contacted, right?

Todd: 00:25:24 Yeah, I’m not too concerned about that yet. I’d rather nail down that they’re actually contacting the leads and then we can go from there. So it’s just the initial step one.

Chris Davis: 00:25:37 Yeah, because you’ll need some feedback in some way to know that contact has [crosstalk 00:25:43] right?

Todd: 00:25:43 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:25:45 So perfect. So you’re creating the leads and I’d imagine they’re filling out a form and you’re creating a deal when the form is filled out, right?

Todd: 00:25:55 Correct.

Chris Davis: 00:25:56 Alright. Are you doing that in an automation or at the form level?

Todd: 00:26:00 At the form level.

Chris Davis: 00:26:01 Okay. Man, Todd.

Alright, so you’ve got that. That’s good. Now the deal is appearing, let me do oh here’s a sale cross one. So now the deal is appearing on here like you got a stay similar to like two contact. That happens every single time someone fills out the form for that particular business. What you need to do is create reminders for the person to reach out.

Todd: 00:26:34 Correct as well as capture that they’ve reached out to the lead.

Chris Davis: 00:26:38 Yep. Got it. Got it.

Alright, so at this point, in contact yeah, that’s right. So at this point we have a, I didn’t want to do that, I wanted to go to automations. So before I go there, let me just do a quick training on this.

So what they would have to know is, listen when you get a lead, you need to reach out within 15 minutes. This is just part of SOPs and all that. All the sales people on the same.

When you’re done contacting the lead, you know you need to go in here and let the system know that you’ve contacted that lead.

Todd: 00:27:17 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:27:19 That move right there is … now we’re going to be able to send you a notification as well as anybody else.

Todd: 00:27:26 Okay. Is there a way on the phone app, with the CRM, that when they click the call button to call the lead, that it automatically captures/changes it to in contact?

Chris Davis: 00:27:39 Oh. Todd that is a great recommendation. Please put that in ideas.

Todd: 00:27:46 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:27:46 In fact, when you put it in ideas, can you email it to me? I’ll vote that one up. That would be amazing. If from the contact record, I hit the call number, it should automatically move it to in contact because I literally have contacted them.

Todd: 00:27:46 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:28:04 So, no. So you can’t do that now, but at least you can move the deal from the out.

Todd: 00:28:08 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:28:09 So right when they get off that phone call, tell them to go and update that they’ve been in contact with them.

Todd: 00:28:14 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:28:15 Or that they’re currently in contact.

Todd: 00:28:16 Now the second question I have, and forgive me for interrupting, but when that salesperson changes to in contact, is there a way to record when they change the sales process to in contact?

Chris Davis: 00:28:29 Yes. So there’s two ways. The first way is when you, let’s see where was it, right here, no no no that was a month ago. Hold on. Right here. It will timestamp it in-

Todd: 00:28:29 Okay, cool.

Chris Davis: 00:28:46 The campaign. When it moves. That’s another reason why it’s train them to go in there and move it. Then you see exactly when they did it. You could also, if you wanted to have some accountability for them or the CEO, you could have the automation notify the CEO.

Todd: 00:29:03 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:29:04 Hey, so and so has just contacted. So and so is now in contact with [inaudible 00:29:11] and that’s a simple email and they could keep that in their inbox. Alright. But on the automation side, what I would recommend is you’ve got the form that they’re creating or are submitting. They submit the form and then since the deal is already created, you can go and add a task. This task should be due in 15 minutes. That’s the call and you can say make sure you call this lead asap. Something like that. You know once you’re finished with this call, make sure you update the CRM to the appropriate stage. Something like that. Right? Select the pipeline, then hit save.

So now when they submit this form, since the deal is already created there, they’re also going to get a task. You can print out as many of these tasks as you want.

Todd: 00:30:23 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:30:24 I know you’re saying you make 15, one hour, two hours.

Todd: 00:30:26 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:30:28 So you can have all three of them and now on the deal record, all of those tasks will be there, and they’ll be reminders, and they’ll show as read if they’re overdue or what not. It just gives some accountability to the sales rep and keep them on track with what they need to do.

Todd: 00:30:45 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:30:46 Yep.

Todd: 00:30:46 And is there a way to report that out? How each sales person is doing?

Chris Davis: 00:30:52 Yeah, there actually is now. I believe. Let me make sure in deals reporting. You should be able to go to, I think it’s … oh this is deals, this is going to be deals one, but you could get reporting. Yeah we would need by stage change right. You want to know over time.

Todd: 00:31:21 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Chris Davis: 00:31:22 That they’re reaching out.

Todd: 00:31:24 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:31:27 Yeah, our reporting isn’t there yet. So you would do something like, let me think about it. Cause I know a lot of people export the information to a spreadsheet or what not. I’m just trying to think if once they’re in contact … you could. Because you want to report a time-based report?

Todd: 00:31:49 Yes. So in other words, from when the lead was received to when the lead was contacted for each salesperson.

Chris Davis: 00:31:57 Yeah cause even from there, you can get the average time it takes for someone to reach out.

Todd: 00:32:01 Alright.

Chris Davis: 00:32:03 I said, Todd man you’re sharp.

Todd: 00:32:06 Well and this is key, because I feel I’m giving good quality leads and the majority of the businesses do fantastic. They love the service. But a few of them they say they’re not getting the leads or the leads are old. Just doing a secret shopper I found that if they take a day to call back when you’ve got a plumbing issue, that customer is already gone on to another plumber. Because they want it solved today.

Chris Davis: 00:32:31 Yep. Absolutely. The CEO needs to be notified so he can get someone else on it.

Todd: 00:32:36 Correct. Correct.

Chris Davis: 00:32:38 So yeah, here’s what I would recommend. This is going to be a little technical, but I think you can handle it.

Todd: 00:32:44 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:32:45 I do recommend exporting. Okay so there’s two events, right?

Todd: 00:32:51 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Chris Davis: 00:32:52 This will be cool. This will be cool. So, when … let me see. This was our automation. So when they fill out the form, one thing I would do … [inaudible 00:33:09] one thing I would do is send a web hook out to Zapier.

Todd: 00:33:12 Hm.

Chris Davis: 00:33:14 To populate a row in the spreadsheet.

Todd: 00:33:17 Hm.

Chris Davis: 00:33:20 Then what it’s going do is it’s going to send the date in the name of the contact. Right?

Todd: 00:33:27 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:33:28 So that’s one. And I don’t have my own Zapier account hooked up. So that would be right here.

I would do something like a webhook, let’s see if I’ve got to do that one. I don’t know if this is real. So it posts to the webhook. It posts the webhook to Zapier and then Zapier is gonna take all the contact information and send it, and send it to a spreadsheet. Now, just to be safe, I would also, just to have control, you probably don’t need this, but just in case, I would create a custom field that is … when they fill out the form, is that like a service request?

Todd: 00:34:15 Yes.

Chris Davis: 00:34:17 Alright, so I would create a custom date field called service request. Right?

Todd: 00:34:22 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Chris Davis: 00:34:23 With the service request date, this is definitely not one, I would make sure this is set to current time. Because now you’ll have on their contact record. Oh I could simplify this. I could simplify it.

Todd: 00:34:35 Alright.

Chris Davis: 00:34:38 Let me move this here. Check this out. Oh my gosh. This is going to be good.

Todd: 00:34:42 I love it when you get these ideas.

Chris Davis: 00:34:45 Right? So right when they submit the form, we’re going to update the service request date. Right? We’re going to have a goal and this goal is going to be as contacted. Right?

Todd: 00:35:04 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Chris Davis: 00:35:05 We’ll know they’ve contacted because they have a deal, has deal in stage sales, have a sale process, and then it’s on the in contact. That’s how we’ll know. Okay.

Todd: 00:35:05 Hm.

Chris Davis: 00:35:18 And we’ll wait until those conditions are met.

Todd: 00:35:23 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:35:23 Now above this goal, we can have as many reminders or many actions and tasks that we want. Even if we want to send out … if after an hour. Because once it’s moved they’ll come out of here, right?

Todd: 00:35:34 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:35:35 For an hour, if they haven’t contacted, maybe we just want to, here, notify the CEO. “Hey it’s been an hour, and this contact hasn’t been reached out to. Here’s the name, here’s their number if you want to do it or send it to someone else.” Right? That can all be in this message right here.

Todd: 00:35:55 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Chris Davis: 00:35:56 Right? So we can do whatever we want in between the goal. Then, once the goal has been completed, and they’ve actually made contact? Now we can have … oh my good- I love this. Because now we can have a has contacted date. But if it’s the same day … I need hours. Dang it. I need hours man.

Todd: 00:35:56 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:36:23 I wanted hours and it’s only giving me days. Shoot. Ah man. We were almost there. Almost there, Todd.

Todd: 00:36:35 Almost there.

Chris Davis: 00:36:36 Yeah you need more, you need minutes. Minutes and hours for that. Because days don’t do you any good. Tomorrow is way too late. Who cares.

Todd: 00:36:50 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Chris Davis: 00:36:53 That’s a good one. That’s a good one. I have to think about it. I’ll have to think about it. But great. But you saw where I was going.

Todd: 00:36:59 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:36:59 Hopefully after they contact and send some information out, and you’ll want to check Zapier because the information that’s being sent to them in the web hook, it may have the time. If that’s the case, this will work.

Todd: 00:37:15 That will work, right. You know right.

Chris Davis: 00:37:18 But if that’s the case, then instead of updating, you won’t need that. You’ll just need to up these.

Todd: 00:37:25 Right. So I could, in theory, is if this certain business has multiple sales people, if that sales person hasn’t contacted within 30 minutes, should it notify another sales person and let them get the call.

Chris Davis: 00:37:42 Yeah. Yeah, you could. You could.

Todd: 00:37:44 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:37:45 Yeah because right in here, you could do, absolutely.

Todd: 00:37:50 Yeah, because if I do random robin, I think is that.

Chris Davis: 00:37:58 Round robin.

Todd: 00:37:59 Yeah round robin, I could send it off to someone else.

Chris Davis: 00:38:02 Yep. Absolutely. Let me just make sure. So you added a task, wait for 30 minutes, it hasn’t/they haven’t contacted them. Let me … I can’t remember if you can assign. Update owner. Yep.

Todd: 00:38:16 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:38:16 And then you can assign it somebody else-

Todd: 00:38:19 Someone else?

Chris Davis: 00:38:20 Yep. That’s exactly it. So oh this is good, Todd. Because now you can have, you can work with the CEO and get a list, who are your top sales folks?

Todd: 00:38:32 Yes.

Chris Davis: 00:38:32 You can let them know, hey listen I’m going to build in an accountability system-

Todd: 00:38:35 Yes.

Chris Davis: 00:38:36 And I need to know who’s the person you want me to contact-

Todd: 00:38:36 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:38:39 If your initial contact, your initial sales rep.

Todd: 00:38:42 Yeah and if all the sales people know, hey if I don’t contact this person within so much time, it’s being shipped off to someone else and I lose that commission.

Chris Davis: 00:38:51 Yes. Yes. I love it.

Todd: 00:38:53 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:38:53 This is a great use case man.

Todd: 00:38:55 Yeah, no I appreciate it, Chris. This is fabulous what we’re going over. This is going to, really impress a lot of my clients. So thank you. Thank you so much.

Chris Davis: 00:39:04 And I love what you’re doing man. So thank you for even thinking through this with me and jumping on man.

Todd: 00:39:09 Yeah. Cool, thank you Chris.

Chris Davis: 00:39:11 Even if you need to email me, just let me know how things go with it.

Todd: 00:39:14 Okay, will do.

Chris Davis: 00:39:16 Okay, great meeting you Todd.

Todd: 00:39:17 Yep, you too. Alright.

Chris Davis: 00:39:20 Oh that was a great use case. Oh my goodness that was so good. Alright. Continue going right down the line. Ryan, I’m coming to you. I just know Rosalyn had a couple of questions.

Rosalyn, Camille, Ryan. Yep.

Rosalyn, yes hello. I built an automation with various ones to test. Alright. And everybody who’s on, I’m staying a little later because I started later today. So I guarantee you we will get through all of the questions today … what am I doing? Because I owe you that time. I owe you that. My account wasn’t working. It’s saying it doesn’t. Oh I know why, I think.

No, no, no. That should be there, right?

Okay, Rosalyn, it’s showing that it’s not showing. Let me know. Copy and paste that link again for me, Rosalyn, and while you’re doing that, let me answer Camille’s question. “How do I integrate with Thinkific?” So Camille, what’s nice is Thinkific just launched their ActiveCampaign integration. So, now you can integrate with Thinkific and here’s how. Let me show you … there it is. There we go.

When someone signs up for your school, when someone completes an order, when someone enrolls in a course, in a trial, enrolls in a full one and then when someone completes it. This did not use to be native to Thinkific and now it is. This was modified on the 18th of August, so just this month. They changed it. I believe maybe it’s been live for two months? So, this would be the way to go for when you’re integrating with Thinkific. I’m going to post that right in the chat for you, Camille.

Alright, back to you Rosalyn. Just make, can you post the automation link again? There it is. Alright. Thank you Rosalyn. Thank you so much. Then Ryan, I’m coming to you with your hand up. Alright, perfect. Alright.

Go to automations here and let’s see. Rosalyn I’m going to talk through what’s happening. Let me know if that’s the anticipated or the desired outcome. We can go from there. This doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Any campaign. We’ll use that one in the link. Campaign link. It’s pulling in all the emails. Everyone this is the wizard. I’ve got to send to somebody. This is that you use for importing automations. Some of you may have never seen this, but that’s what it is. Now, just, you should actually when you’re importing an automation you do not go as fast as I’m going. I just need to get some information filled in so that we can move on, but you want to really look through the emails that are in the automation template. One more step. One more step. There we go.

Alright. Here we go. Let’s start from the top, Rosalyn. Somebody subscribes to your list and has a tag. So they have to have both of those conditions in order to do this. So okay. Is there a way for me to test using the same user down the various branches? It seems like it only go down one branch and then I have to test with a different user. No you should be able to test with the same one. What you’ll have to do is … for this, like let’s walk through it. If … so they have to have this. So my first test would be putting the tag on the contact record before subscribing them to the list. Easy way to do that is to have a form that subscribes them to a list and then put a tag on that contact, which is you, you are the contact, Rosalyn. Then submit the form with that tag. That should satisfy that trigger. Now you’ve tested that part.

You’re going to get this email in your account, in your email address. You’re waiting until they’ve clicked the link in this email for up to five days. So if you want to click the link in that email, that would be the best way to test it, but if you want to emulate the five days, then you can go to like how you’re queued here … let me walk through this quickly. I like things to be concrete. Everybody be happy, if you haven’t noticed.

What was the name of that automation? The good thing is the automation’s page now will let you see the most recent IPM. Otherwise I’d have been lost, because I didn’t name it or I didn’t know the name. PMM add me to it. Alright. Perfect.

So as you see, now I’m queued right here. So I can go into my email client and click the link, and that should make me proceed, right? Or I can go in and say go. Alright, like skip this way step.

How I would do that is go to the contact record, where I’m at, and this, and then hit mute. Moving a little fast everybody, but this is how you do it. So if I wanted them to skip, remember if I skip it’s going to emulate that has not clicked action. So one way I want to go in and click, that should send them, that should get them past here and send them down the yes branch. To send them down the no branch I need to skip the wait action.

Okay? Then once I’ve skipped that no, let’s go down the yes path. Then it’s going to wait. I’m going to wait for seven days, and notify someone. Is there a goal? Alright. So after they’ve clicked this email you’re gonna wait some time and notify them.

So, this is the … testing the yes part is easy. Just select click the link on the email that you receive. The no part, since we skip, is going to go here and say does the contact match the following, has opened an email? Which email though? Second attempt. I don’t see a second attempt email in here. The second attempt email is actually down here. So maybe that was me, how I misconfigured it, but either way you’ve got two if else’s back to back and with no time in-between them for any action to take place. So what’s going to happen here is they’re always going to go down the no branch. They’ll never go down the yes branch because there’s nothing. There’s no time between the conditions to even do anything.

So, oh, so when I skipped the wait it jumps down one branch, but then I try to activate another. I can’t get it. Yeah, you need to put at least a wait state in here, and ideally an action will go in here. Like this second attempt should really go in here, because you waited five days and then they haven’t done anything. So right here on the no branch should be the reminder, and then another wait, right, so a wait similar to this one before you get to this if else. I think that’s what you’re experiencing why they’re always going down the no path. You know if I skip this action, I’m going right down the no path. I should go straight down it. Let me see me, there it is. See. I’m going straight down this no path. There’s nothing here for me to even attempt to go down the yes path. Cause there’s no actions right in here. So everybody’s going straight down this no path, whether it’s skipping today or waiting five days. This is always true. It’s always true, because there’s no action in-between to allow me to go down the yes branch. So that’s probably what you’re seeing.

So move this, let me move this right here, and go back into here. So since this is the second attempt, first off I would move this up here. I’m going to copy it for now. Move that up there and then I’m going to move this up here. Move this action. So now when they haven’t done anything for five days, they’re going to get a reminder, a second attempt. I’ll wait for up to three days for them to open this, and then when I see have you opened that second attempt email, if yes you go down the yes branch, if no you go down no branch. Yeah, so. Let me delete this. You don’t want that. So, okay. So Rosalyn said, “I don’t understand what the wait should be.” Oh okay. Yes. So how would I test that? Yeah, great. So this is exactly what you want. So ideally, just if we step back, what you want to do is the goal that you want is for them to click the link in this email. If they don’t, after five days you want to send them a reminder. So after you send them the reminder, you want to wait and give them time to act. Because as you had it before, there was nothing after they didn’t do anything. You were just checking to see if they did something again. It’s just like, well I haven’t eaten and then you just asked me a minute later if I’ve eaten. You didn’t give me time to eat. So right here, they just didn’t have time to do anything.

So now you’re sending the second email. Now that you’re going to wait until they click the link in that reminder, or up to three days. Now you can say, have they done that, if yes they’ve opened the welcome message, and send this? This is tricky. I actually think there’s a more simplified way to do all of this, if we started with the objective. I just jumped into the automation. So I would just say, at this point what you need to do is make sure there’s always a wait after an action that you put in place if you’re going to use if else. You always have to have a wait before, alright? How you would test it is the same way. So like how you saw me when I was queued here, and I skipped this step. Now that we have something in there, I said skip that step. I went down, you should have seen this email, and I’m waiting there. Right? Then I could skip this step or open the email.

So it’s literally you’re using you. You’re using you, and you know the conditions. You’re setting the conditions, true or false, on your contact record. If you need to remove a tag. If you need to open the email or not open the email. If you need to skip an action … you’re doing it all on your users account. You don’t need anything else. Alright?

So was it correct that I would then use, but I would use an if else instead of a go. I want them to click the link. Yeah. That’s fine. You can use an if else for now. It works for this. If you wanted to just use a goal at the very bottom and save them from the if/else I could see that, but there’s no reason why this doesn’t work as you have it is now.

Rosalyn, it seems like there are cookies that cached my precious response? Yeah. So what you’ll want to do is this. You’re going to want to go to Firefox, or whatever. Open. Oops. You’ll want to open it in incognito window. Login to Gmail, Yahoo, whatever you’re logging into and click it that way.

Because if you do, in fact I would test this entire process using an incognito browser. That may be one of the steps that was throwing everything off. Make sure when you test your automation, you fire up an incognito browser. So now there’s no cookies. There’s no tracking to you, and it won’t get all your information stuck in one contact record. If you want to start another journey, make sure you close it, and just fire up another incognito window. Now that’s going to be treated with its own session.

Yep. Yep. So that’s what I would do Rosalyn. Yep. Absolutely. Thank you so much. It was great to have you back on, Rosalyn. It has been a while. I’m glad to see you’re doing new things, new things, and I hope all is well.

Let me make sure I didn’t miss anybody. Todd? No, Peter. Peter make sure. I can’t remember if this is the one, but Mark has a lot of comments in here. Todd, maybe that was for you, actually. Mark has a lot of good feedback in the chat.

Oh right! I’m so sorry. I’m looking through the chat. I know there was someone else, but it’s … okay, I’m promoting you to panelist now, right. Thank you for dropping me that note, man. I was trying to find who else, let me unmute you. Alright, Ryan, welcome.

Ryan: 00:53:47 Hey Chris, what’s up?

Chris Davis: 00:53:49 Nothing much man, thanks for waiting.

Ryan: 00:53:51 Yeah, no problem. Thanks for staying on a little bit later.

Chris Davis: 00:53:53 Yeah, no problem.

Ryan: 00:53:54 So, it’s pretty, probably a pretty basic question. I haven’t got too far into the software yet.

Chris Davis: 00:54:04 That’s fine.

Ryan: 00:54:05 So, what I’m looking to do is create blog posts that have basically a downloadable for each one, right?

Chris Davis: 00:54:15 Right.

Ryan: 00:54:17 A lead magnet, specific to each blog post. So what I want to have happen is after they download they get a series of emails to other blog posts related to that same topic. Right?

Chris Davis: 00:54:29 Nice.

Ryan: 00:54:30 But throughout the series of that email, whether that takes two days, five days, however long it takes, if they’re browsing the website and they go download another lead magnet for a different blog post, I don’t want them to get the email on that specific post again. Does that make sense?

Chris Davis: 00:54:49 Oh, I got you. I got you. Alright. Alright. So let me say it back.

They opt-in on blog post A and you want to send them emails with blog posts related to A, so like A one, A two, A three, A four, A five, right?

Ryan: 00:55:08 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:55:09 Then they go and opt-in on blog post B. Right?

Ryan: 00:55:15 Yep.

Chris Davis: 00:55:17 So what happens at that point, you don’t want, what don’t you want to happen?

Ryan: 00:55:20 So, if blog post, well not blog post B, I guess it would be blog post A four, let’s say, right. They’ve already been sent an email for A two and A three.

Chris Davis: 00:55:30 Yep.

Ryan: 00:55:31 So I don’t want them to get an email for A four, because that would be redundant. They’ve already downloaded that lead magnet.

Chris Davis: 00:55:40 Okay. So it will be a multiple layer approach, right? The first layer is how you configure and construct your opt-ins. In this case I could see something to where if it was the same opt-in across all blog posts, perhaps they had gotten email on blog post. A one was on a blog post and maybe they didn’t read it and they went to that blog post themselves and then they opted in there, right? Because that would essentially put them back at the beginning. They would get emails about A one again. If you allow it, right?

Ryan: 00:56:24 Right. Which I don’t.

Chris Davis: 00:56:25 Want to prevent that. So, all your blog posts give away the same lead magnet right?

Ryan: 00:56:32 No, different lead magnet.

Chris Davis: 00:56:33 Alright, so different lead magnets. So what you’ll want to do … oh, perfect. Ryan, so what you want to do is you’ve got two automations. You’ve got your delivery automation and then your followup automation. Okay?

Ryan: 00:56:47 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:56:49 The delivery automation is basic. Let me do this. Most people will look at this, no that’s a simple question, but there’s more than meets the eye to this. So we’ll do, it doesn’t matter, I’ll just to answer question. So what this is going to do is just send the delivery. You’ll have these for every content upgrade that you have.

Ryan: 00:56:49 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:57:15 Delivery email, sent you a link. Alright? You’ll model this. Trying to move faster. Alright. So at this point, watch this. Here’s the key bell. Let me do Ryan delivery. Okay. So you deliver this and then let me go back. Then you’ll have your followup.

Ryan: 00:57:45 Okay, so it’ll be greater. That delivery is actually the PDF itself?

Chris Davis: 00:57:48 Yep, exactly. That’s all it is.

Ryan: 00:57:51 Okay.

Chris Davis: 00:57:51 This one we’re not going to have a start trigger. We’ll have an email and then we’ll just say email one followup. Okay. Then you’ll have as many of these as you need. Okay?

Ryan: 00:58:08 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 00:58:08 Like you said, you’re waiting maybe a day or two in-between each of them. Check this out. Okay. Alright. So that’s Ryan delivery. This is Ryan followup. I don’t know why I keep capitalizing. Alright. Activate that and go back here. Go back to my automations. So here’s what we want to do Ryan. We’re going to do two things. Two things I want to equip you with, and use the one that’s best for your situation. Alright. When do we expect to get the replay? Rosalyn, I’m going to get it to the team right after this, and depending on the workload. Fridays get kind of tough, so I would bank on Monday, Monday afternoon. If we can push it out earlier, because I transcribe when we do all that stuff, so it’s a little bit of a process.

So, watch this Ryan. Any blog posts, they opt-in and they get the delivery.

Ryan: 00:59:10 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:59:10 Right? A one has its own one. A two has its own, x, y, z.

Ryan: 00:59:16 Right.

Chris Davis: 00:59:16 But your followup is going to be specific to all of the As blog posts. So you’ll have your followup. So if you have three categories of blog posts, each one will have their separate followups as well.

Ryan: 00:59:29 Right, okay.

Chris Davis: 00:59:29 Alright, great.

What you’ll do is as after they’ve done that, watch this. Start an automation and it will be your followup. Alright Ryan followup. Okay. So you have five of these, but here’s the thing, right? We have five of them, and each one adds them to do this followup. Right? So I essentially did not solved the problem yet. I just put you in a position to solve it. Here’s how you solve it Ryan.

Look at this. We’re just doing if/else and we’ll say if they’re currently in, is currently in automation learning Ryan followup, are they? Then don’t enter. Only enter if they’re not. You see that?

Ryan: 01:00:33 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 01:00:35 So now if the first one, it doesn’t matter which blog post Ryan, it doesn’t matter. It could be A three. Right? They’ll get it and they’ll get the entire followup. Regardless of if they opt-in again, all they will get is the delivery. Which is fine, maybe they lost it. I don’t know. Maybe they think it’s different. Whatever. But we won’t double up on sending them emails. Does that make sense?

Ryan: 01:01:02 So, again, I’m not familiar with the software, so let me back-

Chris Davis: 01:01:06 Yep.

Ryan: 01:01:06 Back into what I think you just said.

Chris Davis: 01:01:08 Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Ryan: 01:01:10 So, when they submitted the form, they get the email delivery and that contains the PDF. From there, they get the followup automation and that contains another email that goes to a different blog post.

Chris Davis: 01:01:24 Right, how you have your drip, you’re dripping your blog posts out, yes.

Ryan: 01:01:29 Right, okay. Then a day after that they get another email that goes to a separate blog post.

Chris Davis: 01:01:33 There you go.

Ryan: 01:01:35 But if they’ve already visited and downloaded the form for the fourth blog post, they’re not going to get that in this case, because they’re inside that-

Chris Davis: 01:01:48 Oh okay. Okay. So what you’re saying is the delivery email will be the exact same as the email in the followup? If they opt-in for A three, that delivery email is not the same as the one in this followup, right?

Ryan: 01:02:07 That delivery email … that’s correct, it’s not the same.

Chris Davis: 01:02:09 Okay. So yeah, that’s fine. They’ll go in here and get all of the followup emails pointing … now it could point them to do a blog they’ve already read.

Ryan: 01:02:19 That’s what I’m trying to avoid.

Chris Davis: 01:02:22 You want to avoid that.

Ryan: 01:02:22 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 01:02:22 Okay. So the only way to do that is this. Before you send the email-

Ryan: 01:02:28 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 01:02:28 Is doing this. If, and if/else and go and you need site tracking, and has visited.

Ryan: 01:02:36 Okay.

Chris Davis: 01:02:37 And put your blog post there.

Ryan: 01:02:40 Okay.

Chris Davis: 01:02:40 And I would use domain contains, just because it’s a little easier. Put the blog posts there.

Ryan: 01:02:46 Okay.

Chris Davis: 01:02:46 So I’m going to do Doesn’t exist. Just for the sake of this. Right? If they view visited that, then don’t send them that email. Okay? Let me do this. If they visited that page, then don’t send them this email, and what it’s going to do is go to the next if/else here. Because this is email one. Wait two days.

Ryan: 01:03:29 Okay, so you want me to put an if/else for each blog post.

Chris Davis: 01:03:33 Before each blog post, yep. Before each email to check if they’ve seen that blog post.

Ryan: 01:03:38 Okay.

Chris Davis: 01:03:39 Which would be really cool, right?

That way, like you said, you can run … now you can blind, not blindly, but intelligently, you can intelligently know that it doesn’t matter which opt-in they get. If they have visited that page and seen that blog post, they’re not going to get an email on it. So some people may come through your followup and maybe only get two emails.

Ryan: 01:04:09 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 01:04:11 It sounds like that’s exactly what you want.

Ryan: 01:04:16 So for each delivery, it’s going to have to have all these if/else’s between each of the other blog posts.

Chris Davis: 01:04:22 Well I would have … you’ll have one big followup, right? If you’re doing it by category it sounds like, like types of blog posts?

You’ll have a followup for … in fact, how are you doing it? Do you have just a certain set? Is it one followup of your blog posts?

Ryan: 01:04:43 We will have different categories. I’m just starting with one to keep it simple.

Chris Davis: 01:04:46 Yeah, so just one. You’ll just have one followup.

Ryan: 01:04:49 Yeah.

Chris Davis: 01:04:50 You’ll just have multiple delivery automations.

Ryan: 01:04:56 Okay.

Chris Davis: 01:04:57 But they’ll all add them to this followup.

Ryan: 01:04:59 And then they’ll all go to the same followup that has all these if/then’s in it.

Chris Davis: 01:05:03 There you go.

Ryan: 01:05:04 Okay.

Chris Davis: 01:05:05 Multi-purpose out of this one.

Ryan: 01:05:07 Yeah, right.

Chris Davis: 01:05:09 That’s exactly it, Ryan.

Ryan: 01:05:10 Okay, cool.

Alright man, I don’t want to keep you on too long, appreciate it.

Chris Davis: 01:05:14 Oh no problem man. Let me know. Let me know if you run into anything. Always report back. Let me know how it works out for you.

Ryan: 01:05:22 Okay. Alright, will do.

Chris Davis: 01:05:23 Okay.

Ryan: 01:05:24 Alright, Thanks Chris. Take it easy.

Chris Davis: 01:05:25 Great meeting you man.

Ryan: 01:05:26 You too, see ya.

Chris Davis: 01:05:28 Yeah. Great. Great. Great man. Listen, we’re 15 minutes over, but I wanna … I see Nicole. I see your question. Let me, and I didn’t seen it, so I’m glad you posted it in here. Let me get this one, and I will get you all out of here. I wanted to make sure I get everybody’s question.


I think I got it. My problem is and I may have solved it but I want to make sure.


When someone schedules a session in acuity they are also then added to ActiveCampaign. The proper fields are filled out in the contact information and AC and they are triggered to be added to my specific automation. Great.

Good job getting that far, Nicole. That’s a lot. I don’t want you to minimize that. My problem is that they are going into the automation two times and getting double text reminders. I have two triggers, but I think I only need one.

I agree. I tell everybody, Nicole. Use multiple start triggers sparingly because we commonly forget about that second one. It is so easy. So I try to keep all of my automations, the start triggers, singular. Just because of that very reason. There are cases where you start getting a bit more advanced and you know whatever, that you can have multiple ones, but even in my case, and I’m very familiar with the application, a lot of times when I’ve added additional start triggers it’s I’ve forgotten about one of them and I bill my automation with the other one in mind, and then I find out later and I’m like dang it they can get in that way too. It’s like having two back doors. You just need to make sure they’re both shut at night.

So my triggers are contacts, field strategy changes, and contacts field strategy session date changes. Okay. My hypothesis is when someone schedules via acuity, they have both date and time complete in the form to be added to AC, so maybe the automation doesn’t need both triggers as long as it’s filling in all the fields and going into the automation.

One time I did test it and it ran smooth this trial, but I just want to be sure.

Okay, hold on, let me make sure I get that. So maybe … when someone schedules via acuity they have to have both date and time to complete the form and be added to AC. This is true. Acuity mandates that when they schedule on acuity. So maybe the automation doesn’t need both triggers as long as it is filling in all fields and going into the automation one time.

I agree. I agree. It doesn’t need both triggers. You’re probably using Zapier, right? Nicole? Let me know. Kate, I see yours. That’s a quick one. So you’re using Zapier. So you don’t have an issue at all. If they don’t have those fields filled out, it will be the error on your behalf, but since you’ve done it already and it’s working, you’re good. You’re good to go.

In fact, most people who I know use acuity, they go off of a tag. They let acuity let a tag that says scheduled, you know, scheduled session. Instead of the contact field. Because sometimes the contact field can be tricky depending on how many people are using your account. Sometimes that contact field can be updated manually and maybe that’s what you want. That if it’s even updated manually outside of acuity it fires off that automation.

But a lot of people use a tag to start the automation when they’ve schedule an acuity. Yeah, as long as you’re mapping those fields in Zapier, you’re just fine. Because you’ll always have date and time. You’ll always have that. Yep.

Okay, thanks so much for taking the time.

Not silly at all, Nicole. Not silly at all. It was a great question, and thank you for asking it. Welcome to Office Hours. I believe this is the first time seeing your name. So thanks for coming on and sticking with me.

I’m going to get to, actually, these last two questions, because Mark has one I don’t want to skip yours. You’re very welcome, Nicole.

If you have more than one domain on your AC account what does the domain contains do?

If you have more than one domain, Mark, you’re going to have to specify which domain. Right? So if I go here, right here, and it says domain contains. This is free from. I can fill out whatever, but if the domain is not added to the account, this will never trigger. Okay?

So it’s a bit different than this one. The start trigger when we use has visited a webpage? Where is it? Webpage? Cause it automatically shows all of the domains that you have added. When you’re using the actual if/else, it’s a self check, you’re going to have to do that.

No. Mark says, “So domain contains assumes you only have one domain and AC?” No, this one is just going to look for one. It won’t assume. This will say the don’t. Like, is one. Maybe I have one that’s So it’s just going to look for the one you specify domain contains. Right? But look Mark, if I have this on multiple website? Let’s say I have it on four websites and I say the domain contains contact? That means any domain across all of those websites, that somebody visits the contact page for, will mark that as true. Okay?

Maybe that’s the case. Maybe you’re like if somebody fills out my contact form anywhere, now at that point it’s going to go across all of them. So just so you know it doesn’t assume one, it’s going to operate exactly how you have it setup. So if you just do the page name, it’s going to go across all of the domains that you’ve added. For those of you that maybe have not setup site tracking, this is what I mean.

Whatever domains are here, under settings, and you go to tracking, see all these domains that I’ve added? You just do it right here by putting it in here. It’s going to now look for contact contains contact across all of these domains. Yep. Do I need each site to track it?

Yes, Mark, you are right. You’re correct. Then Kate, really quick. Kate you’ll be the last question here. You all think, this is Friday. Thank you, for real, thank you for hanging in there with me. Getting to everybody.

Quick question: What happens to a bounce contact if I send out a new campaign and include them, will it send or will they be excluded? Kate they will be excluded. When they have the status bounced they can no longer receive email from you. Most of the time you’ll see bounce by, yep. Yep. Great. Most of the time the bounce will come from they misspelled their email address so it doesn’t exist. So we found it to be undeliverable or a lot of the times, believe it or not, some people just stop checking their email and the ESP just takes it away. A lot of times that’s what happens with a bounced email. There are some other tricky cases in there, but most commonly it’s that misspelling or the email no longer exists.

So we do the favor at that event and essentially say we won’t deliver even if you try. Because bounced in our, the terminology, for bounced for us is the email does not exist. We don’t care it does or does not exist. It just doesn’t exist. So you will not be negatively impacted because we won’t even try to deliver to those. Alright?

I’m emailing a list and we’ve been ignoring for months. More than what I wanted bounced. Yep. So I want them to be excluded. Yes. Yes. Just know, you don’t have to worry about them. If you send it to them, it will not hurt you at all. At all. So. Perfect. Thank you. You’re very welcome and thank you. Kate. You all are just making my Friday. Thank you so much. Thank you for the compliment. I really appreciate that.

Alright, with that being said, everybody, wow. What an Office Hours. Thank you for participating. It was this way because of you, not me. Because of you and your questions, your engagement, and your patience. So thank you all for that very much. We do Office Hours twice a week. Friday at 1:00 PM, Tuesday at 9:00 AM, and you have a standing invitation to any of them. Rosalyn has been on quite a few in the past and in business. She’s just been busy and now she’s back.

So you don’t have to come to all of them. No harm, no foul. But it is a resource for you when time permits or if you’ve got some questions and you just want to talk through some things. Office Hours is that resource for all of them.

So yep, have a good one, Mark. So thank you all for attending. Again, we do it twice a week. Pick a date and time that works best for you. I see you on Office Hours walk through. I look forward to meeting you all virtually and walking through these problems, these issues, these ideas. Okay? You are no burden at all, and all questions are welcome. So make sure you do that, and those of you watching a replay, thank you for watching the replay.

Hope to see you live on Office Hours. Until then, have a great weekend everybody, and automate responsibly.

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