Product Catalog: Cross-Sell


Congrats! Your contact made a purchase from your online store. Done and done, right? Not quite! Now is a great time to send a cross-sell offer. Show them products and accessories that compliments their recent purchase or maybe offer a small discount on a specific product. Our new Product Catalog block makes adding specific products to your emails a snap!

This automation sends a cross-sell email to contacts who just made a purchase within a specific category. This segmentation allows you to send products aligned with the category of the purchase that was just made. The automation also tags the contact if they purchase from the cross-sell email. Before importing, connect your ecommerce store integration.

Here’s how Product Catalog: Cross-Sell works:
1. The contact enters the automation when they have made a purchase within a specified product category.
2. The contact is sent a cross-sell email featuring our Product Catalog block.
3. The contact arrives at a one week wait step.
4. The contact then comes to an If/Else action checking for if the contact has made a purchase in the past 7 days.
5. If the contact has made a purchase, they go down the Yes path and are tagged as having made a purchase.
6. If the contact hasn’t made a purchase, they exit the automation.

Note: For more information on our Product Catalog product block, visit our help site here:

Note: You may want to build out this automation multiple times for the various product categories you have.

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