Facebook Custom Audiences for Accessory Upsell Automation Recipe


Automated emails for upselling and cross-selling other products and services are great. But your email contact list is not the only place to push an upsell campaign.

Make sure you use every marketing channel at your disposal, including Facebook Custom Audiences (FCA).

Think about it:

A good majority of your email contacts are likely on social media. Why?

- Personal reasons? Sure! But also...
- To talk to your business -- and your other customers about their product problems and needs.

Social media is a gold mine of customer insight that you can use to upsell product accessories. Are people online raving about how your product works for them? Build on that momentum by creating a Facebook Custom Audience to upsell related accessories through targeted ads.

And you can easily do this with the Facebook Custom Audiences for accessory upsell automation recipe.

When a contact makes a purchase, automatically add them to a Facebook Custom Audience that showcases various upsell opportunities, such as highlighting accessories that bring quality improvements to their purchased product or offering a coupon on a bundle of accessories.

Before importing, set up the Facebook Custom Audience integration.

How does Facebook Custom Audiences for Accessory Upsell automation work?

Here's how this automation works:

1. The automation is triggered when a contact makes a purchase from your ecommerce store.
2. The "Add to Facebook Custom Audience" action adds the contact to a Facebook Custom Audience you set up for your accessory upsell campaign. In our example, the Facebook Custom Audience is called "Accessory Upsell".
3. The automation ends.

NOTE: You can add "Remove from Facebook Custom Audience" steps if you want to only have the contact in one targeted audience at a time

NOTE: You can segment the contact in this automation further to check for specific product purchases or to verify they have not bought the upsell accessories already.

What do you need to use this Facebook Custom Audiences for Accessory Upsell automation recipe?

Just an ActiveCampaign account, an ecommerce integration, and a Facebook Custom Audience!

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